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Created January 25, 2015 10:51
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"Proxies" with implicits and singleton types
package proxy
import language.dynamics
abstract class Param[T] { type Type }
object Param {
def apply[T](name: String) = new Param[name.type] { type Type = T }
class Proxy(underlying: Map[String, Any]) extends Dynamic {
def selectDynamic[T](name: String)(implicit param: Param[name.type]): param.Type =
object Test {
val proxy = new Proxy(Map("foo" -> "Hello world", "bar" -> 42, "baz" -> 'xyz))
implicit def foo = Param[String]("foo")
implicit def bar = Param[Int]("bar")
implicit def baz = Param[Symbol]("baz")
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