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Last active September 7, 2022 18:03
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javascript version id comparison
// compare two versions, return true if local is up to date, false otherwise
// if both versions are in the form of major[.minor][.patch] then the comparison parses and compares as such
// otherwise the versions are treated as strings and normal string compare is done
var VPAT = /^\d+(\.\d+){0,2}$/;
function upToDate(local, remote) {
if (!local || !remote || local.length === 0 || remote.length === 0)
return false;
if (local == remote)
return true;
if (VPAT.test(local) && VPAT.test(remote)) {
var lparts = local.split('.');
while(lparts.length < 3)
var rparts = remote.split('.');
while (rparts.length < 3)
for (var i=0; i<3; i++) {
var l = parseInt(lparts[i], 10);
var r = parseInt(rparts[i], 10);
if (l === r)
return l > r;
return true;
} else {
return local >= remote;
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