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Last active January 3, 2017 05:00
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Snake game question :
2 3
0 1
0 2
1 2
1 1
import sys
class Snake :
def __init__(self, x, y, d) :
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.dir = d # U D L R
def move_by_direction( x, y, d, new_snake = False ) :
if d == 'U' :
if new_snake is False :
y = y - 1
else :
y = y+1
elif d == 'D' :
if new_snake is False :
y = y + 1
else :
y = y - 1
elif d == 'R' :
if new_snake is False :
x = x + 1
x = x - 1
elif d == 'L' :
if new_snake is False :
x = x - 1
x = x + 1
# print x,y,d
return x,y
def check_for_food(foods, x, y) :
for (fx,fy) in foods :
# print fx,fy, x, y
if fx == x and fy == y :
return True
return False
def snake_move( foods, moves ) :
snake = []
for count,move in enumerate(moves) :
if not snake :
snake.append( Snake(0, 0, move)) # initialise the snake object
# print snake[0].x,snake[0].y, snake[0].dir
#regular movement
#updating the directions from the previous one and moving
for i in reversed(xrange( len(snake))) :
if i == 0 :
snake[i].dir = move
else :
snake[i].dir = snake[i-1].dir
x = snake[i].x
y= snake[i].y
snake[i].x,snake[i].y = move_by_direction(x,y,snake[i].dir)
if check_for_food(foods, snake[0].x, snake[0].y) is True :
last_dir = snake[-1].dir
x = snake[-1].x
y= snake[-1].y
x,y = move_by_direction(x,y,last_dir, new_snake= True)
new_snake= Snake( x, y, last_dir) #adding new snake
if (len(snake) > 1) :
for s in xrange(1, len(snake)) :
if snake[0].x == snake[s].x and snake[0].y == snake[s].y : #snake bites itself
return (count+1)
return -1 #snake never bites itself
if __name__ == '__main__' :
lines = sys.stdin.readlines()
food_count = int(lines[1])
foods = []
for i in xrange(food_count) :
y,x = lines[2 + i].split(' ')
foods.append( (int(x),int(y) ) )
move_count = int( lines[2 + food_count] )
moves = []
for i in xrange( move_count ) :
move = lines[3 + food_count + i]
print snake_move(foods, moves)
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The first line will be the size of the sandbox R C in rows & columns separated by a space, where 1 < R ≤
100 and 1 < C ≤ 100. The next line will be the total number of food locations, 2 < M ≤ 400, followed by
that many lines of R i C i (coordinates here are zero-indexed). The next line will be the total number of
moves 3< N ≤ 600, followed by that many lines each having a single-character directional code. The
codes are:
U : Up (row-1)
R : Right (col+1)
L : Left (col-1)
D : Down (row+1)
Note that the directions provided will never cause the snake to go beyond the bounds of the sandbox.

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