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Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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BFS - 2 way search code
import rubik
import unittest
def shortest_path(start, end):
Using 2-way BFS, finds the shortest path from start_position to
end_position. Returns a list of moves.
You can use the rubik.quarter_twists move set.
Each move can be applied using rubik.perm_apply
global levelA
levelA = {start : 0}
global levelB
levelB = {end : 0}
global parent
parent = { start:None, end:None }
global final_list
final_list = []
iA = iB = 1
continued = resultA = resultB = True
frontierA = [start]
frontierB = [end]
while (frontierA or frontierB) :
resultA,iA,frontierA,leveA,levelB = traversal( frontierA, levelA, levelB, iA, final_list )
if resultA is True:
resultB, iB,frontierB,levelB,levelA = traversal( frontierB, levelB, levelA, iB, final_list )
if resultA is False or resultB is False:
frontierA = frontierB = []
if start in final_list:
return final_list
raise NotImplementedError
def traversal( frontier,l1, l2, i, final_list ):
next = []
if frontier:
for u in frontier:
if u not in l2:
for v in rubik.quarter_twists:
#for v in u.adj:
#print rubik.quarter_twists_names[v]
cube = rubik.perm_apply(v, u)
if cube not in l1 and cube not in l2:
l1[cube] = i
parent[cube]= u
elif cube in l2 and cube not in l1:
buildPath(u,cube, l1, final_list)
return False, i,frontier,l1,l2
return False, i,frontier,l1,l2
for element in next:
#print i
#print "====================================="
i = i+1
return True,i,frontier,l1,l2
def buildPath(founder, node, level, final_list):
# if the last node is already discovered in level B
if level is levelA:
u = founder
v = node
u = node
v = founder
# get from start
while u :
u = parent[u]
final_list.reverse() # ugly error solved, just because python does stuff in-place and doesn't allow list = list.reverse() and shows crytic errors
# get upto end
while v :
v = parent[v]
class BitchClass:
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.adj = ()
def printList( list ):
for element in list:
print element,
print "-->",
print ""
if __name__ == '__main__2' :
a = BitchClass('a')
b = BitchClass('b')
c = BitchClass('c')
d = BitchClass('d')
e = BitchClass('e')
f = BitchClass('f')
g = BitchClass('g')
j = BitchClass('j')
a.adj = (b,c,j)
b.adj = (a,e,d)
c.adj = (a,f)
d.adj = (b,e)
e.adj = (b,f,g)
f.adj = (c,e,g)
g.adj = (e,f,j)
shortest_path( a, g )
printList( final_list )
if __name__ == '__main__' :
start = (6, 7, 8, 20, 18, 19, 3, 4, 5, 16, 17, 15, 0, 1, 2, 14, 12, 13, 10, 11, 9, 21, 22, 23)
end = rubik.I
ans = shortest_path(start, end)
print "------------------"
print len(ans)
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Change rubik moves to adj for normal graph. Also python pass by reference is shit. It is pass by symbol

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