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Last active June 22, 2017 17:23
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  • Save popravich/f52cb9919b9ed19820aff0e2348df0ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# $ python --version
#Python 3.5.3 (a39af0be3a22, Jun 05 2017, 20:18:00)
#[PyPy 5.8.0-beta0 with GCC 6.2.0 20160901]
# The problem has been discovered here:
# TL;DR:
# pop() call from a list object created in C-extension
# returns None for the first call,
# subscequent calls return expected values
import hiredis # version v0.2.0;
r = hiredis.Reader()
def get_list():
# bulk array response with two items;
r.feed(b'*2\r\n+Item 1\r\n+Item 2\r\n')
return r.gets()
l = get_list()
assert isinstance(l, list)
assert l == [b'Item 1', b'Item 2']
item = l.pop()
# This line fails!
assert item is not None and item == b'Item 2', (item, type(item))
item = l.pop()
assert item is not None and item == b'Item 1', (item, type(item))
# Another try, pop from left
l = get_list()
assert isinstance(l, list)
assert l == [b'Item 1', b'Item 2']
item = l.pop(0)
# This line fails!
assert item is not None and item == b'Item 2', (item, type(item))
item = l.pop(0)
assert item is not None and item == b'Item 1', (item, type(item))
# Another try, pop by index
l = get_list()
assert isinstance(l, list)
assert l == [b'Item 1', b'Item 2']
item = l.pop(1)
# This line fails!
assert item is not None and item == b'Item 2', (item, type(item))
item = l.pop(0)
assert item is not None and item == b'Item 1', (item, type(item))
# wget -c
wget -c
# tar -xjf pypy3-v5.7.1-linux64.tar.bz2
tar -xjf pypy3-v5.8.0-linux64.tar.bz2
# ./pypy3-v5.7.1-linux64/bin/pypy3 -m venv ./tmp
./pypy3-v5.8.0-linux64/bin/pypy3 -m venv ./tmp
source ./tmp/bin/activate
pip install -v --force-reinstall --no-binary=:all: hiredis
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