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Last active November 30, 2016 14:36
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returns a path to the first leaf node in an query tree which passes a given predicate.
function findPath(node, predicate) {
var depth = 0;
var path = [];
var found = false;
function find(currentNode, i) {
if (found) {
return path;
path[depth] = i;
// console.log('path: ' + path);
if(isBranch(currentNode)) {
// console.log('i: ' + i + ' depth '+ depth + '. id: ' +;
else {
// console.log('i: ' + i + ' depth: ' + depth + ' id: ' + + '. value: ' + currentNode.value);
if (predicate(currentNode.value)) {
found = true;
return found ? path : undefined;
return find(node, 0);
// utils
function predicate(value) {
console.log(value[0] === 'this');
return value[0] === 'or';
function isBranch(node, operator) {
return Array.isArray(node.children) &&
!node.hasOwnProperty('value') &&
!node.hasOwnProperty('field') &&
(!operator || operator === node.operator);
const query = {
id: '1',
operator: 'AND',
children: [{
id: '2',
operator: 'AND',
children: [
id: '3',
opertator: 'OR',
children: [
id: '4',
field: 'BIO',
operator: 'OR',
value: ['omg', 'kanye'],
id: '5',
field: 'BIO',
operator: 'OR',
value: ['no', 'way'],
}, {
id: '6',
operator: 'NOT',
children: [
id: '7',
field: 'BIO',
operator: 'OR',
value: ['this', 'that'],
id: '8',
field: 'BIO',
operator: 'OR',
value: ['or', 'the', 'other'],
// execution
console.log('return this: ' + findPath(query, predicate));
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