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Last active September 1, 2019 01:57
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Areal interpolation with ACS data removing water and rights-of-way and clipping to filtered zoning area
p_load(tidyverse, tidycensus, tigris, areal, sf, mapview, geojsonsf, rmapshaper, lwgeom)
options(tigris_use_cache = T); options(tigris_class = "sf")
## Download Portland zoning
zoning <- geojson_sf(readLines("")) %>%
st_transform(2913) %>% group_by(ZONE) %>% summarize()
## Download water featuers
water <- tigris::area_water("OR", "Multnomah", 2017) %>% summarize() %>% st_transform(2913)
## Get right-of-way here: ""
multco_row <- readRDS("multco_row.rds")
## OPTIONAL STEP: Only if you want to verify unit counts with actual building footprints
## For faster load time, download footprints here ( and
## import shapefile; geojson file is too huge; alternatively use code below:
# building_footprints <- geojson_sf(readLines("")) %>%
# filter(UNITS_RES > 0,
# YEAR_BUILT < 2016) %>% ## Look only at residential units built before 2016, so that it's more comparable to 2013-17 ACS data
# st_centroid(.)
## Download Portland neighborhoods
neighborhoods <- geojson_sf(readLines("")) %>%
## Filter for Bridgeton example, which is located in an industrial area and right next to the Columbia River
bridgeton <- neighborhoods %>%
filter(NAME == "BRIDGETON") %>%
## Define "livable" zones--zones that allow residential uses
res_uses <- c("RF", "R20", "R10", "R7", "R5", "R2.5", "R3", "R2", "R1", "RH",
"RX", "RMP", "CR", "CM1", "CM2", "CM3", "CE", "CX", "EX", "CI2", "IR")
## Filter zoning to residential uses and erase water and rights-of-way
livable_area <- zoning %>%
filter(ZONE %in% res_uses) %>%
rmapshaper::ms_erase(., water) %>%
rmapshaper::ms_erase(., multco_row)
## Download unit count at block-group level from ACS; keep whole block group area
units_bg_whole <- get_acs(geography = "block group",
variables = "B25001_001",
year = 2017,
state = "OR",
county = "Multnomah",
geometry = TRUE) %>%
st_transform(2913) %>%
select(GEOID, estimate)
## Clip block groups to the livable area
units_bg_livable <- units_bg_whole %>%
rmapshaper::ms_clip(., livable_area) %>%
## Preview the three layers in mapview
mapview(units_bg_whole%>%filter(GEOID == "410510072021")) +
mapview(units_bg_livable%>%filter(GEOID == "410510072021")) +
## Preview areal weights
aw_preview_weights(bridgeton, tid = NAME, source = units_bg_livable, sid = GEOID, type = "extensive")
## Interpolate number of housing units using entire block group
aw_interpolate(bridgeton, tid = NAME, source = units_bg_whole, sid = "GEOID",
weight = "total", output = "tibble", extensive = "estimate")
## Interpolate number of housing units using livable area of block group
aw_interpolate(bridgeton, tid = NAME, source = units_bg_livable, sid = "GEOID",
weight = "total", output = "tibble", extensive = "estimate")
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