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Last active November 3, 2024 12:29
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Nix module to create SD images for Rasperry Pi Zero 2 W
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
imports = [
system.stateVersion = "23.11";
# Pi Zero 2 struggles to work without swap
sdImage.swap.enable = true;
sdImage.extraFirmwareConfig = {
# Give up VRAM for more Free System Memory
# - Disable camera which automatically reserves 128MB VRAM
start_x = 0;
# - Reduce allocation of VRAM to 16MB minimum for non-rotated (32MB for rotated)
gpu_mem = 16;
# bzip2 compression takes loads of time with emulation, skip it. Enable this if you're low on space.
sdImage.compressImage = false;
networking = {
interfaces."wlan0".useDHCP = true;
wireless = {
enable = true;
interfaces = [ "wlan0" ];
networks = {
"<ssid>" = {
psk = "<ssid-key>";
# Enable OpenSSH out of the box.
services.sshd.enable = true;
# NTP time sync.
services.timesyncd.enable = true;
# This module extends the official sd-image.nix with the following:
# - ability to add a swap partition to the built image
# - ability to add options to the config.txt firmware
# - fix the uboot bug with pi zero 2
# Related issue:
# Original file:
{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
rootfsImage = pkgs.callPackage <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/make-ext4-fs.nix> ({
inherit (config.sdImage) storePaths;
compressImage = config.sdImage.compressImage;
populateImageCommands = config.sdImage.populateRootCommands;
volumeLabel = "NIXOS_SD";
} // optionalAttrs (config.sdImage.rootPartitionUUID != null) {
uuid = config.sdImage.rootPartitionUUID;
options.sdImage = {
swap = {
enable = mkEnableOption "Create a swap partition.";
partitionName = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "SWAP";
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Name of the partition which holds the swap.
size = mkOption {
type =;
default = 2 * 1024;
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Size of the swap partition, in megabytes.
extraFirmwareConfig = mkOption {
type = types.attrs;
default = { };
description = lib.mdDoc ''
Extra configuration to be added to config.txt.
config = {
# Override of the sd image build to optionally add a swap partition = lib.mkForce (pkgs.callPackage
({ stdenv
, dosfstools
, e2fsprogs
, mtools
, libfaketime
, util-linux
, zstd
}: stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = config.sdImage.imageName;
nativeBuildInputs = [ dosfstools e2fsprogs libfaketime mtools util-linux ]
++ lib.optional config.sdImage.compressImage zstd;
inherit (config.sdImage) imageName compressImage;
buildCommand = ''
mkdir -p $out/nix-support $out/sd-image
export img=$out/sd-image/${config.sdImage.imageName}
echo "${pkgs.stdenv.buildPlatform.system}" > $out/nix-support/system
if test -n "$compressImage"; then
echo "file sd-image $img.zst" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
echo "file sd-image $img" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
${lib.optionalString config.sdImage.compressImage ''
echo "Decompressing rootfs image"
zstd -d --no-progress "${rootfsImage}" -o $root_fs
# Set swap size. Set it to 0 it swap is disabled.
swapSize=${toString (if config.sdImage.swap.enable then config.sdImage.swap.size else 0)}
# The root partition is #2 if there is no swap, but is #3 is there is one
rootPartitionNumber=${toString (if config.sdImage.swap.enable then 3 else 2)}
# Gap in front of the first partition, in MiB
gap=${toString config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionOffset}
# Create the image file sized to fit /boot/firmware and /, plus slack for the gap.
rootSizeBlocks=$(du -B 512 --apparent-size $root_fs | awk '{ print $1 }')
firmwareSizeBlocks=$((${toString config.sdImage.firmwareSize} * 1024 * 1024 / 512))
# Note: swap size is 0 if swap is disabled
imageSize=$((rootSizeBlocks * 512 + firmwareSizeBlocks * 512 + gap * 1024 * 1024 + swapSize * 1024 * 1024))
truncate -s $imageSize $img
# type=b is 'W95 FAT32', type=82 is Swap, type=83 is 'Linux'.
# The "bootable" partition is where u-boot will look file for the bootloader
# information (dtbs, extlinux.conf file).
sfdisk $img <<EOF
label: dos
label-id: ${config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionID}
start=''${gap}M, size=$firmwareSizeBlocks, type=b
${lib.optionalString config.sdImage.swap.enable ''
start=$((gap + ${toString config.sdImage.firmwareSize}))M, size=''${swapSize}M, type=82
start=$((gap + ${toString config.sdImage.firmwareSize} + swapSize))M, type=83, bootable
# Copy the rootfs into the SD image
eval $(partx $img -o START,SECTORS --nr $rootPartitionNumber --pairs)
dd conv=notrunc if=$root_fs of=$img seek=$START count=$SECTORS
# * Create the swap if it is enabled
${lib.optionalString config.sdImage.swap.enable ''
# Create the swap
eval $(partx $img -o START,SECTORS --nr 2 --pairs)
dd if=/dev/zero of=swap.img bs=''${swapSize}M count=1
mkswap -L "${config.sdImage.swap.partitionName}" swap.img
dd conv=notrunc if=swap.img of=$img seek=$START count=$SECTORS
# Create a FAT32 /boot/firmware partition of suitable size into firmware_part.img
eval $(partx $img -o START,SECTORS --nr 1 --pairs)
truncate -s $((SECTORS * 512)) firmware_part.img
mkfs.vfat --invariant -i ${config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionID} -n ${config.sdImage.firmwarePartitionName} firmware_part.img
# Populate the files intended for /boot/firmware
mkdir firmware
find firmware -exec touch --date=2000-01-01 {} +
# Copy the populated /boot/firmware into the SD image
cd firmware
# Force a fixed order in mcopy for better determinism, and avoid file globbing
for d in $(find . -type d -mindepth 1 | sort); do
faketime "2000-01-01 00:00:00" mmd -i ../firmware_part.img "::/$d"
for f in $(find . -type f | sort); do
mcopy -pvm -i ../firmware_part.img "$f" "::/$f"
cd ..
# Verify the FAT partition before copying it.
fsck.vfat -vn firmware_part.img
dd conv=notrunc if=firmware_part.img of=$img seek=$START count=$SECTORS
if test -n "$compressImage"; then
zstd -T$NIX_BUILD_CORES --rm $img
{ });
swapDevices = lib.mkIf config.sdImage.swap.enable [{
device = "/dev/disk/by-label/${config.sdImage.swap.partitionName}";
sdImage.populateFirmwareCommands = lib.mkIf ((lib.length (lib.attrValues config.sdImage.extraFirmwareConfig)) > 0)
# Convert the set into a string of lines of "key=value" pairs.
keyValueMap = name: value: name + "=" + toString value;
keyValueList = lib.mapAttrsToList keyValueMap config.sdImage.extraFirmwareConfig;
extraFirmwareConfigString = lib.concatStringsSep "\n" keyValueList;
# The initial file has just been created without write permissions. Add them to be able to append the file.
chmod u+w $config
echo "\n# Extra configuration" >> $config
echo "${extraFirmwareConfigString}" >> $config
chmod u-w $config
# Ugly hack to make it work with Pi Zero 2
sdImage.populateRootCommands = lib.mkForce ''
mkdir -p ./files/boot
${config.boot.loader.generic-extlinux-compatible.populateCmd} -c ${} -d ./files/boot
DTBS_DIR=$(ls -d ./files/boot/nixos/*-dtbs)/broadcom
chmod u+w $DTBS_DIR
cp ${}/dtbs/broadcom/bcm2837-rpi-zero-2-w.dtb $DTBS_DIR/bcm2837-rpi-zero-2.dtb
chmod u-w $DTBS_DIR
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pete3n commented Dec 22, 2023

Thanks, I hope you find it helpful. I have many projects involving different Raspberry Pis and other small board computers. As I get more proficient with Nix and build out my own library I will definitely look at submitting stuff upstream.

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rjpcasalino commented Dec 22, 2023

Nice! You both have a much better handle on nix lang than I do so I suggest looking into upstreaming stuff as soon as you can. seems to be a go to person for embedded stuff (check out I've started to wonder if there is a Raspberry Pi working group or some such. Anyway, please join if you want. I'll share some of these links after I've played around with them so more. The community would love this stuff!

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