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Created June 27, 2012 11:18
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Functions to encode and decode strings to be valid URL ones
* urlencode.c
* Based on code from
* Created on: 21/06/2012
* Author: piranna
#include "urlencode.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
//based on javascript encodeURIComponent()
string urlencode(const string &c)
string escaped="";
for(unsigned int i=0; i<c.length(); i++)
if((48 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 57) //0-9
|| (65 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 90) //
|| (97 <= c[i] && c[i] <= 122) //ABC...XYZ
|| c[i]=='~' || c[i]=='!' || c[i]=='*'
|| c[i]=='(' || c[i]==')' || c[i]=='\'')
escaped.append(&c[i], 1);
escaped.append(char2hex(c[i])); // converts char 255 to string "ff"
return escaped;
string urldecode(const string &c)
string result="";
for(unsigned int i=0; i<c.length(); i++)
if(c[i] == '%')
// converts string "ff" to char 255
char ret = hex2char(c.substr(i+1, 2));
result.append(&ret, 1);
i += 2;
result.append(&c[i], 1);
return result;
string char2hex( char dec )
char dig1 = (dec&0xF0)>>4;
char dig2 = (dec&0x0F);
if(dig1 >= 0)
if(dig1 <= 9) //0,48inascii
dig1 += 48;
else if(dig1 <= 15) //a,97inascii
dig1 += 97-10;
if(dig2 >= 0)
if(dig2 <= 9)
dig2 += 48;
else if(dig2 <= 15)
dig2 += 97-10;
string r;
r.append(&dig1, 1);
r.append(&dig2, 1);
return r;
char hex2char(string hex)
char result = strtoul(hex.c_str(), NULL, 16);
return result;
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