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Last active February 12, 2024 00:07
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  • Save phybros/827aa561a44032dd1556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save phybros/827aa561a44032dd1556 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
BASH Script to keep Route53 updated with your current external IP address
# (optional) You might need to set your PATH variable at the top here
# depending on how you run this script
# Hosted Zone ID e.g. BJBK35SKMM9OE
ZONEID="enter zone id here"
# The CNAME you want to update e.g.
RECORDSET="enter cname here"
# More advanced options below
# The Time-To-Live of this recordset
# Change this if you want
COMMENT="Auto updating @ `date`"
# Change to AAAA if using an IPv6 address
# Get the external IP address from OpenDNS (more reliable than other providers)
IP=`dig +short`
function valid_ip()
local ip=$1
local stat=1
if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
[[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \
&& ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]]
return $stat
# Get current dir
# (from
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
if ! valid_ip $IP; then
echo "Invalid IP address: $IP" >> "$LOGFILE"
exit 1
# Check if the IP has changed
if [ ! -f "$IPFILE" ]
touch "$IPFILE"
if grep -Fxq "$IP" "$IPFILE"; then
# code if found
echo "IP is still $IP. Exiting" >> "$LOGFILE"
exit 0
echo "IP has changed to $IP" >> "$LOGFILE"
# Fill a temp file with valid JSON
TMPFILE=$(mktemp /tmp/temporary-file.XXXXXXXX)
cat > ${TMPFILE} << EOF
# Update the Hosted Zone record
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
--hosted-zone-id $ZONEID \
--change-batch file://"$TMPFILE" >> "$LOGFILE"
echo "" >> "$LOGFILE"
# Clean up
# All Done - cache the IP address for next time
echo "$IP" > "$IPFILE"
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You had an article that linked to this file, but I've entirely forgotten where it is.
Do you mind refreshing my memory?

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phybros commented Feb 22, 2015

Just updated the script to use instead of icanhazip as it seems that icanhazip's SSL cert has expired. Update your scripts ASAP!

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Might be good to force curl to use IPv4 in Line 18:
curl -4sS

In general, you don't need dynamic DNS for IPv6, as you just use global addresses.
In general, most OSes will default to IPv6 with curl, and you want to force the IPv4 option.

I found my install was failing intermittantly when curl was using IPv6 and I was getting an
"Invalid IP address: 2001:XXXX:XXXX::XXXX"
In my log file. Forcing curl to use IPv4 fixed this for me.

Conversely I guess, if you do actually want IPv6 you could be explicit about that too, but you might need to modify the valid_ip() function too.

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Having my linux OS in french, I had this error

'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfb' in position 27: ordinal not in range(128)

Turns out the comment containing the date was "Août" (august in french) and since my host is a french ubuntu 14.04, it generates a non-utf8 char for the û character.

Please either pull my fix here : or find another way to provide ascii-only char to aws client.

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ghomem commented Oct 18, 2015

AWS has an internal API that cam be used to fetch the IP. You can use:

IP=wget -qO- http://instance-data/latest/meta-data/public-ipv4

Thanks for the nice script!

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phybros commented Jun 21, 2016

Updated with the latest version from my blog post:

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Thanks for the very helpful script. I tweaked the aws command to give me a consistent format in my log file. It took me a while to get the --query parameter right, so I thought I would share it here in case it helps someone.

aws route53 change-resource-record-sets \
        --hosted-zone-id $ZONEID \
        --change-batch file://"$TMPFILE" \
        --query '[ChangeInfo.Comment, ChangeInfo.Id, ChangeInfo.Status, ChangeInfo.SubmittedAt]' \
        --output text >> "$LOGFILE"

This gives you a single line of plain text (no JSON formatting) output from the command in your log file.

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Thanks for this! I ended up using curl -4sS "" for my implementation. Running from Raspberry Pi Zero

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I've adapted your gist for use in a Jenkins job - we've got a big instance that doesn't need to run all the time, so Jenkins shuts it down after hours. It then starts it up in the morning and runs this to update the DNS record so our staff has seamless access to it.

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Executing this on a Raspberry pi with raspbian I got this error:

24: ./ Syntax error "(" unexpected

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@Manuel5cc if you are using bash at the head of your script make sure you are executing the script in a bash shell.

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ELLIOTTCABLE commented Apr 30, 2017

I've merged some work from a few forks (@rosston's, @d90's, and @dominic-p's modification in the comments above); and added support for the awscli --profile flag (ideal for use with IAM users). My fork is here:

While on the topic, here's the “managed policy” you should use for an IAM user that's specifically created to operate as your DynDNS client:

  • Route 53: ListResourceRecordSets and Route 53: ChangeResourceRecordSets against arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/ZB83EXAMPLEZONEID for every Zone ID your script will be running against,
  • Route 53: GetChange against arn:aws:route53:::change/*

If you implement this as an IAM user, then the access-key/secret-key stored on your dynamic-DNS-updating-machine can't be used to screw with the rest of your account, if compromised.

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