Save phpenterprise/dd4df97cac49eb2ec45cb3c5d06f1b83 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(Linkedin = { | |
release: '1.0.5 stable', | |
data: {}, | |
config: { | |
autoStart: true, | |
inspectorSpeed: 5000, | |
sendSpeed: 4000, | |
pagerSpeed: 10000, | |
scrollDownAuto: 600, | |
debug: true, | |
message: 'Your custom note message (max 300 length)' | |
}, | |
setEvents: function () { | |
this.debug('set events'); | |
}, | |
debug: function (a) { | |
if (this.config.debug && typeof console === 'object') { | |
console.log(a) | |
} | |
}, | |
init: function () { | |
this.debug('start script'); | |
this.setDefaults(); | |
this.setEvents(); | |
if (this.config.autoStart) { | |
this.inspect(); | |
} | |
}, | |
complete: function () { | |
this.debug('script complete'); | |
}, | |
sleep: function (a) { | |
this.setScroll(); | |
var start = new Date().getTime(); | |
for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) { | |
if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > a) { | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
}, | |
totalRows: function () { | |
return $('.search-result').length; | |
}, | |
compile: function () { | |
this.data.pageButtons = $("button.search-result__action-button").filter(function () { | |
return $.trim($(this).text()) === "Connect"; | |
}); | |
this.data.pageButtonTotal = this.data.pageButtons.length; | |
}, | |
stop: function () { | |
clearInterval(Linkedin.data.pageInterval); | |
clearInterval(Linkedin.data.nextInterval); | |
}, | |
setDefaults: function () { | |
this.stop(); | |
this.data = { | |
pageInterval: null, | |
nextInterval: null, | |
pageIndex: (this.data.pageIndex) ? this.data.pageIndex : 1, | |
pageButtons: {}, | |
pageButtonIndex: 0, | |
pageButtonTotal: 0, | |
lockInpect: false, | |
lockClick: false | |
}; | |
}, | |
sendInvites: function () { | |
this.compile(); | |
this.setScroll(); | |
this.debug('validing'); | |
if (this.data.pageButtonTotal === 0 || this.data.lockInpect === true) { | |
this.sleep(this.config.sendSpeed); | |
return this.nextPage(); | |
} | |
this.sleep(this.data.speed); | |
this.debug('sending invite ' + (this.data.pageButtonIndex + 1) + '/' + this.data.pageButtonTotal); | |
var button = this.data.pageButtons[this.data.pageButtonIndex]; | |
this.debug('clicking connect'); | |
$(button).click(); | |
this.sleep(Linkedin.config.sendSpeed); | |
this.debug('adding a note'); | |
$("button:contains('Add a note')").click(); | |
this.sleep(Linkedin.config.sendSpeed); | |
this.debug('write a note'); | |
var textArea = $('textarea[id="custom-message"]'); | |
textArea.val(this.config.message); | |
this.sleep(Linkedin.config.sendSpeed); | |
this.debug('send click'); | |
$("button:contains('Send invitation')").click(); | |
this.sleep(Linkedin.config.sendSpeed); | |
this.debug('close window'); | |
$("button:contains('Cancel')").click(); | |
this.sleep(Linkedin.config.sendSpeed); | |
this.debug('ignore confirm mail'); | |
if ($('[id=email]').length) { | |
$('.send-invite__cancel-btn').click(); | |
} | |
this.sleep(Linkedin.config.sendSpeed); | |
this.stop(); | |
if (this.closeAll() && this.data.pageButtonIndex === (this.data.pageButtonTotal - 1)) { | |
return this.nextPage(); | |
} else if (this.data.lockInpect === false && this.data.pageButtonIndex < (this.data.pageButtonTotal - 1)) { | |
this.data.pageButtonIndex++; | |
return this.sendInvites(); | |
} else { | |
this.debug('waiting page overflow down'); | |
this.sleep(Linkedin.config.sendSpeed); | |
return this.nextPage(); | |
} | |
}, | |
nextPage: function () { | |
Linkedin.debug('find page'); | |
Linkedin.setScroll(); | |
Linkedin.data.lockInpect = true; | |
Linkedin.data.nextInterval = setInterval(function () { | |
var pagerButton = $('.artdeco-pagination__button.artdeco-pagination__button--next[id^=ember]'); | |
Linkedin.debug('check page links...'); | |
if (pagerButton.length === 0) { | |
return false; | |
} | |
if (Linkedin.data.lockClick === false) { | |
Linkedin.debug('call next page (link)'); | |
Linkedin.data.lockClick = true; | |
pagerButton.trigger('click'); | |
} | |
Linkedin.checkRequest(); | |
}, Linkedin.config.pagerSpeed); | |
}, | |
checkRequest: function () { | |
var currentPageIndex = Linkedin.getURIParam('page'); | |
if (currentPageIndex !== Linkedin.data.pageIndex) { | |
Linkedin.data.pageIndex = currentPageIndex; | |
Linkedin.setDefaults(); | |
Linkedin.debug('page ready'); | |
return Linkedin.inspect(); | |
} | |
}, | |
closeAll: function () { | |
if ($('.send-invite__cancel-btn').length) { | |
$('.send-invite__cancel-btn').click(); | |
} | |
return (!$('.send-invite__cancel-btn:visible').length); | |
}, | |
setScroll: function (a) { | |
$('body').click(); | |
window.scrollTo(0, $(window).scrollTop() + ((a) ? a : Linkedin.config.scrollDownAuto)); | |
}, | |
inspect: function () { | |
this.debug('inspect elements'); | |
this.data.pageInterval = setInterval(function () { | |
Linkedin.setScroll(Linkedin.config.scrollDownAuto); | |
if (Linkedin.totalRows() >= 20 && $('.artdeco-pagination__button.artdeco-pagination__button--next[id^=ember]').length) { | |
clearInterval(Linkedin.data.pageInterval); | |
Linkedin.sendInvites(); | |
} else { | |
Linkedin.debug('listening..'); | |
} | |
}, Linkedin.config.inspectorSpeed); | |
}, | |
getURIParam: function (name) { | |
name = name.replace(/[\[]/, '\\[').replace(/[\]]/, '\\]'); | |
var regex = new RegExp('[\\?&]' + name + '=([^&#]*)'); | |
var results = regex.exec(location.search); | |
return results === null ? '' : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); | |
} | |
}).init(); |
The script is updated to release 1.0.5 stable.
Blocked by linkedin. is it working?
Blocked by linkedin. is it working?
Wait a few days and you will be able to send bulk messages and invitations again.
Use Google deep links to submit requests manually as per the example below. This will be a feature that we will implement in the javascript class in the future in case of temporary blocking. I was able to send 1000 requests before being blocked to send invitations, 15 days later the search was released again.
Good luck!
Blocked by linkedin. is it working?
Can I used this for company page as well?
Unfortunately no friend, you can only send notes connection requests (custom messages) through a user account.
Good luck!
I have an error
(unknown) Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
at Object.setScroll (:158:9)
at :164:22
how can i fix this?
I have an error
(unknown) Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
at Object.setScroll (:158:9)
at :164:22how can i fix this?
Hello friend, the script is being reviewed for an update.
Hi Patrick,
how is the review going?
I'm validating, as soon as available I'll warn you here.
hello, any luck on the update?
hello, any luck ?
I've updated the script and it is working. It is currently in raw form, I'll be updating it with configuration, better logging, etc very soon.
@phpenterprise Thanks for the initial work <3
@thealphadollar thanks for the help, I really didn't have time to update it.
How can I invite just one profession?
Hey @evgenispap, I think LinkedIn's official guide to searching would be helpful to you. Please comment if you need any more help, I'm glad you found the script useful ✨
How can I invite just one profession?
First do a search and the paste the script
this still work?
@ayoola000 Hey, please use the updated version of the script.
Hi do you mind if i build an app with your code, constantly typing is hard :(
Why this script send the note message only to few connection not all ?
When first time i used this script this was perfectly run. But now it's not send the note message.
I don't know why?
@Zhatabsaifi Did you try the latest version of the script at https://gist.github.com/thealphadollar/7c0ee76664cbd28aecc1bd235f0202fd#file-autoconnectlinkedin-js ?
How to add a note while sending the invites. I don't find that code in the above script can someone please help me with that
@rival123 Please use the updated script: https://gist.github.com/thealphadollar/7c0ee76664cbd28aecc1bd235f0202fd#file-autoconnectlinkedin-js
Is there still a need for such functionality?
Nice Script Working Well Cheers!
CROSS - SITE scripting working well Hurrah come ping me i'll resolve all your bug
Linkedin auto invite (add) script class (JS)
For use to connect to other people 1-3rd in Linkedin custom search
Hello developers, how are you?
I went behind a plugin for Chrome or Firefox that did this type of action, however I only found useless or discontinued codes.
So I decided to create my own code to do this automated work, with paging and adding automatic notes.
If you are reading this comment, the date release is 2019.06.05. The code was built to be compatible with the current version of Linkedin, but there may be a need to update as the business social network is being changed in its design / structure.
How do I use?
First, change the Linkedin account default language:
After, open your Linkedin search page and make a search by company, service, occupation or sector desired. Click "show all" button results and appear pagination links. Press the F12 key in Google Chrome, in the developer console paste the code and press enter.
PS: Do not forget to change the custom note message in the Linkedin (script) class.