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Last active October 6, 2017 15:01
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Common Lisp that makes you go hmmm
"This one should be fairly obvious."
(defun the-answer-to-life-the-universe-and-everything ()
"The advanced version of the above."
(defun rick (
) (
+ (+
) ( *) (
*) (+) ( *)
(+ )(+) ( + )( +)
( +)(+ ) (*)(* )(
+) ( *)(*) (+)
(+ )(+)(+)(+)( +)(
+) (+) (*)( +)(
+)(+) (+)(+) (* ) (+) (+
) ( +)(+ )( +)(*)(+) (+)(*)(+ )(
+)(+ )( *)(+)(+)(+)(+)(*) (+ )(*)(+)(*)(
*) ( +)(+)(+)(+)(+) (+)(+ ) (+)
(+ )(+)(*)(+)( +) (+) (+
)( + ) (+ )(+)(+)(*)(+) ( *)
(+ )(+ )(+)( *) (+)( +)(
+)(*)( +)(+)(*) ( +) (+ ) (*)(+)
(+)( *)( +) (+)(+)(*) (*) (+)(+)
(+ )( + )(+)(*)(+ ) ( +)(+)(+ )(+)(+)
(* ) (+) ( + )(+ )(*)(*
)( +) (+)( +) ( +)(* )(+
) ( * ) (+)( +)(+)(
+)( +) ( +)(+)(*)(* )(+)(+)(
+) (*)(+)(*)( + )(+)( +) (*) (+
) (+)(+) (*)(+ )(+)(+)
(+ )(*)(+ )(*)(+)( +)(
+)(+)(*)( +)(+
)(+)( +)(+
"There is NEVER enough anime in Common Lisp."
(defmacro シンボル・マクローレット (macrobindings &body body)
`(symbol-macrolet ,macrobindings ,@body))
"A classical quine."
(let ((let '`(let ((let ',let)) ,let))) `(let ((let ',let)) ,let))
(do () (nil) loop
for i below 10
with j under 15
and also until they are all dead
do something funny
like binding *print-pretty* to 42
while printing stuff onto the screen
finally (return nil))
"From Xach's CL quiz."
(let (#'1) (+ function 2)) ;=> 3
(let (#'1 '2) (+ function quote)) ;=> 3
(deftype silly-condition () '(and condition (not serious-condition)))
15:26 < edgar-rft> shka: in the beginning there was the word, and it was controlled by Lisp
15:26 < phoe> edgar-rft: and John said, "let there be parens to delimit lists, let there be an opening paren and a
closing paren"
15:27 < phoe> and then he saw that (GOODP IT)
15:27 < phoe> and there came line feed and carriage return, line 1
"The best kind of Lisp mail you may receive."
Dear Whom It May Concern
I write to you with wishes Of BEST of luck and also an offer of partnership in a.
Strategic. operation that must be done when there is still time... My lord and savior
dr. Metislav Voynitza who was Lisp researcher known in Uzbekistan and Pakistan (University
of Pakistan, IT. Programming Dept) had passed away in his scientific trip to Nigeria (I
participated in the conferences with him for 10 years) and. During his LAST WILL reading it
has been found that a reserve of 2.8 BILLION US Parentheses is deposited on his account
meant for. Best Lisp programmers. It is possible I will be able to transfer this but I need
help of someone from Europe or America with bank access. It is important because govt will
access these funds within 14 days if I do not make steps.
May your day be good and holy
Anika Mwu V.
Lisp Research Institute, Nigeria
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