/* |
Hit 'ctrl + d' or 'cmd + d' to run the code, view console for results |
*/ |
import { sp } from "@pnp/sp/presets/all"; |
( async () => { |
console.clear(); |
const itemId = 89; |
const RetryHttpCall = async (fnToCall: () => Promise<any>, label: string, maxTryCount: number): Promise<any> => { |
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => { |
const retryer = (tryCount: number, delayStart: number) => { |
setTimeout( async () => { |
if (tryCount < 99) { |
try { |
console.log(`RetryHttpCall: ${label}... (${tryCount})`); |
const response = await fnToCall(); |
console.log(`RetryHttpCall: ${label}... (${tryCount}) response::>`, JSON.stringify(response)); |
resolve({ |
label: `Update ${label}`, |
response: response |
}); |
} catch (error) { |
/** |
* error = { "response": HttpRequest, "status": number, "statusText": string, "message": string; "isHttpRequestError": boolean } |
*/ |
console.error(`Error RetryHttpCall: ${label}... (${tryCount})`, error.status); |
console.error(`Error RetryHttpCall: ${label}... (${tryCount})`, error); |
if ((tryCount >= maxTryCount) || ( (error.status !== 500) && (error.status !== 409) && (error.status !== 429) ) ) { |
reject(error); |
} else { |
retryer(tryCount + 1, 1000 * tryCount); |
} |
} |
} else { |
reject(new Error(`RetryHttpCall for ${label} exceeded max try count of ${maxTryCount}`)); |
} |
}, delayStart); |
}; |
retryer(1, 0); |
}); |
}; |
const call1 = () => sp.web.getList("/sites/eelhrportaldev/Lists/StaffUserPermissions").items.getById(itemId).update({ "eelhrPermissionstatusEES": `Pending` }); |
const call2 = () => sp.web.getList("/sites/eelhrportaldev/Lists/StaffUserPermissions").items.getById(itemId).update({ "eelhrPermissionstatusCH": `Pending` }); |
try { |
const updateResponses = await Promise.all([ |
RetryHttpCall(call1, "eelhrPermissionstatusEES", 3), |
RetryHttpCall(call2, "eelhrPermissionstatusCH", 3), |
]); |
console.log("Promises.all response::>", updateResponses); |
} catch (error) { |
console.log("error.status (1) ::> ", error.status); |
console.log(error); |
} |
} )().catch( (error) => { |
console.log("error.status (2) ::> ", error.status); |
console.log(error); |
}); |