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  • Save phatz/5123ed4d93ef381641369acc3ab24881 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save phatz/5123ed4d93ef381641369acc3ab24881 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract data from android backup of Google Authenticator 2 to qrcodes
# Extract data from nandroid backup of Google Authenticator 2
# > /data/data/
# require: sqlite3 + qrencode
sqlite3 databases <<!
.headers off
.mode csv
.output codes.csv
select printf("otpauth://totp/%s?secret=%s&issuer=%s",email,secret,issuer) from accounts;
# Unquote lines
sed -i 's/\"//g' codes.csv
# Display as QR CODE
while read p; do
qrencode -t ANSIUTF8 -8 -o - "${p}"
echo "${p}"
echo -e "\n\n"
done < codes.csv
rm codes.csv
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