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Batch script to block internet access for all .exe files in a folder recursively using Windows Firewall (inbound and outbound rules). Includes dynamic folder path input, usage instructions, and automation.
@echo off
:: Batch Script: block_folder.bat
:: Author:
:: Description: Blocks all .exe files in the specified folder (and subfolders) from accessing the internet (both inbound and outbound) using Windows Firewall.
:: Usage:
:: block_folder.bat [FolderPath]
:: - Pass the folder path containing the .exe files to block.
:: block_folder.bat -h
:: - Displays this help message.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Check if a parameter is passed
if "%~1"=="" goto help
if "%~1"=="-h" goto help
REM Get the folder path from the argument
set "folderPath=%~1"
REM Verify if the folder exists
if not exist "%folderPath%" (
echo [ERROR] The specified folder does not exist: %folderPath%
exit /b 1
REM Extract base folder name from the provided path
for %%A in ("%folderPath%") do set "baseFolderName=%%~nA"
REM Display a confirmation message
echo [INFO] Blocking all .exe files in folder: %folderPath%
REM Loop through all .exe files in the folder and create firewall rules
for /r "%folderPath%" %%F in (*.exe) do (
set "filePath=%%F"
set "fileName=%%~nxF"
REM Enable delayed expansion inside the loop to use updated variables
call :AddFirewallRules "!filePath!" "!baseFolderName!" "!fileName!"
REM Final message
echo [INFO] All .exe files in %folderPath% have been blocked (inbound and outbound).
echo [INFO] You can view the rules in Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security by opening it from the Start menu.
exit /b 0
REM Arguments: %1 = filePath, %2 = baseFolderName, %3 = fileName
set "filePath=%~1"
set "baseFolderName=%~2"
set "fileName=%~3"
REM Generate rule names with base folder name and file name
set "ruleName=Block %baseFolderName% %fileName% (automated)"
echo [INFO] Adding outbound block rule for: %filePath%
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="%ruleName% OUT" dir=out program="%filePath%" action=block enable=yes >nul
echo [INFO] Adding inbound block rule for: %filePath%
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="%ruleName% IN" dir=in program="%filePath%" action=block enable=yes >nul
goto :eof
echo Usage: block_folder.bat [FolderPath]
echo This script blocks all .exe files in the specified folder and its subfolders from accessing the internet (inbound and outbound) using Windows Firewall.
echo Parameters:
echo FolderPath - Path to the folder containing .exe files to block.
echo -h - Display this help message.
echo Example:
echo block_folder.bat "C:\Program Files\Adobe"
exit /b 0
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