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Peter Grman pgrm

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pgrm / .p10k.zsh
Last active August 20, 2020 14:39
powerlevel10k configuration - install and save this file as .p10k.zsh in your home directory to use it
# Generated by Powerlevel10k configuration wizard on 2020-08-18 at 05:43 CEST.
# Based on romkatv/powerlevel10k/config/p10k-classic.zsh, checksum 46734.
# Wizard options: nerdfont-complete + powerline, small icons, classic, unicode, light,
# 24h time, vertical separators, sharp heads, flat tails, 1 line, compact, many icons,
# concise, instant_prompt=verbose.
# Type `p10k configure` to generate another config.
# Config for Powerlevel10k with classic powerline prompt style. Type `p10k configure` to generate
# your own config based on it.
pgrm / Profiles.json
Created August 20, 2020 14:19
Profiles.json from my iTerm2 configuration
"Profiles": [
"Ansi 6 Color" : {
"Green Component" : 0.77254900000000004,
"Blue Component" : 0.99607840000000003,
"Red Component" : 0.77647060000000001
"Tags" : [
pgrm / NotSoThreadSafeConsumer.cs
Created December 17, 2019 21:22
Trying to implement a thread safe wrapper on top of the dotnet kafka consumer to work around the issue describe in
public class MaybeThreadSafeConsumer<TKey, TValue> : IMaybeThreadSafeConsumer<TKey, TValue>
private static readonly TimeSpan DefaultLockTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
private readonly CancellationTokenSource _cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
private readonly ReaderWriterLock _lock = new ReaderWriterLock();
private readonly IConsumer<TKey, TValue> _internalConsumer;
private readonly ILogger<MaybeThreadSafeConsumer<TKey, TValue>> _logger;
private volatile bool _isActive = true;
"url": "",
"expTimestamp": "2019-06-06T12:55:38Z"
"code": "AwesomeIntegration",
"label": " My Awesome Reservation Integration",
"iconSource": "",
"sourceUrl": "[GUID/JWT]",
"sourceType": "Private",
"propertyIds": [
"url": "string",
"expTimestamp": "datetime"
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Z.EntityFramework.Plus;
namespace BrokenBatchDeleteExample
class Program
public static void Main()
pgrm / ghost-blog-ansible-playbook.yaml
Created August 26, 2018 21:05
Ansible playbook to set up a new ghost blog and update the versions
# BEFORE UPDATING, export data from https://YOUR_BLOG/ghost/#/settings/labs
# (PLACEHOLDERS are defined in CAPS_LOCK - replace them with values which make sense to you.)
- hosts: HOSTS
ghost_version: "2.0.3"
ghost_image: "ghost:{{ ghost_version }}-alpine"
ghost_root: "/docker/mounts/GHOST_BLOG"
sudo apt install curl -y
# nodejs
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
# google chrome
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list'
# dotnet core
pgrm / powershell-init.ps1
Last active July 20, 2023 12:14
A set of useful powershell extensions
# Execution policy -
# Get PS Get (
(new-object Net.WebClient).DownloadString("") | iex
import-module PsGet
# Usful modules
Install-Module Jump.Location