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Last active September 21, 2017 07:43
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Used for inter-object communication. (Semi-)drop in replacement for Rik Schennink's Observer.
* Used for inter-object communication.
* (Semi-)drop in replacement for Rik Schennink's Observer.
* Implementation differences:
* - ES6
* - The use of WeakMaps
* - inform() and conceal() don't return a boolean indicating success.
* - Subscription fn's are called with seperate arguments, instead of one data parameter. This is backwards compatible.
* @name Observer
* @author Peeke Kuepers
class Observer {
constructor() {
// We use WeakMaps, so subscriptions get automatically removed when the subject is lost
// Think DOM elements
this._subscriptions = new WeakMap();
this._informants = new WeakMap();
_push(map, key, value) {
// Merge new and old values
let values = [ value ];
if (map.has(key)) {
values = [ ...values, ];
// Update set
map.set(key, values);
_filter(map, key, filterFn) {
// Not in -> bailout, there's no need to filter
if (!map.has(key)) return;
// Filter the current values in the set and update the set
let values = map.get(key).filter(filterFn);
map.set(key, values);
* Subscribe to an event
* @method subscribe
* @memberof Observer
* @param {Object} subject - Object to subscribe to.
* @param {String} event - Event type to listen for.
* @param {Function} fn - Function to call when event published.
subscribe(subject, event, fn) {
this._push(this._subscriptions, subject, { event, fn });
* Unsubscribe from further notifications
* @method unsubscribe
* @memberof Observer
* @param {Object} subject - Object to unsubscribe from.
* @param {String} event - Event type to match.
* @param {Function} fn - Function to match.
unsubscribe(subject, event, fn) {
let filterFn = subscription => subscription.event !== event || subscription.fn !== fn;
this._filter(this._subscriptions, subject, filterFn);
* Publish an event
* @method publish
* @memberof Observer
* @param {Object} subject - Object to fire the event on.
* @param {String} event - Event type to fire.
* @param {...*} args - Parameters to apply to the fn of the subscription object
publish(subject, event, ...args) {
if (this._subscriptions.has(subject)) {
.filter(subscription => subscription.event === event)
.map(subscription => subscription.fn)
.forEach(fn => fn(...args));
if (this._informants.has(subject)) {
.forEach(_subject => this.publish(_subject, event, ...args));
* Publishes an async event. This means other waiting (synchronous) code is executed first before the event is published.
* @method publishAsync
* @memberof Observer
* @param {Object} subject - Object to fire the event on.
* @param {String} event - Event type to fire.
* @param {...*} args - Parameters to apply to the fn of the subscription object
publishAsync(subject, event, ...args) {
setTimeout(() => this.publish(subject, event, ...args), 0)
* Setup propagation target for events so they can bubble up the object tree.
* @method inform
* @memberof Observer
* @param {Object} informant - Object to set as origin. Events from this object will also be published on receiver.
* @param {Object} receiver - Object to set as target.
inform(informant, receiver) {
this._push(this._informants, informant, receiver);
* Remove propagation target
* @memberof Observer
* @param {Object} informant - Object previously set as origin.
* @param {Object} receiver - Object previously set as target.
conceal(informant, receiver) {
let filterFn = _receiver => receiver !== _receiver;
this._filter(this._informants, informant, filterFn);
export default new Observer();
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