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Forked from zraffer/package.scala
Created January 16, 2016 23:19
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a few operations with functors
package object types {
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import scala.language.higherKinds
// quantifiers aka (co)ends
type Forall[+F[_]] = { def apply[X]: F[X] }
type Exists[+F[_]] = F[_]
// basic categorical notions
type ~>[-F[_], +G[_]] = Forall[λ[ X => (F[X]=>G[X]) ]]
type Id[+X] = X
type Comp [F[ _], G[ _], X] = F[G[X]]
type CompPP[F[+_], G[+_], +X] = F[G[X]]
type CompPM[F[+_], G[-_], -X] = F[G[X]]
type CompMP[F[-_], G[+_], -X] = F[G[X]]
type CompMM[F[-_], G[-_], +X] = F[G[X]]
// Kan extensions
type Ran[-G[_], +H[_], +A] = Forall[λ[ B => ((A=>G[B])=>H[B]) ]]
type Lan[-G[_], +H[_], +A] = Exists[λ[ B => (G[B]=>A, H[B]) ]]
// TODO: Kan lifts,
// conversions to functor
type Yoneda[+F[_], +A] = Ran[Id, F, A]
type Coyoneda[+F[_], +A] = Lan[Id, F, A]
// monads via Kan exts
type Codensity[F[_], +A] = Ran[F, F, A]
type Density [F[_], +A] = Lan[F, F, A]
// basic (co)limit objects
type Initial = Forall[Id] // = `Nothing`
type Terminal = Exists[Id] // sorry, not `Unit` but `Any` (terminal in cat of subtypes)
// (co)inductive types, general
type FreeMonad [+F[_], +A] = Forall[λ[ X => ((A=>X, F[X]=>X)=>X) ]]
type CofreeComonad[+F[_], +A] = Exists[λ[ X => (X=>A, X=>F[X], X) ]]
// (co)inductive types, basic
// type InitialAlg[+F[_]] = FreeMonad[F, Initial]
// type TerminalCoalg[+F[_]] = CofreeComonad[F, Terminal]
type InitialAlg [+F[_]] = Forall[λ[ X => ((F[X]=>X)=>X) ]]
type TerminalCoalg[+F[_]] = Exists[λ[ X => (X=>F[X], X) ]]
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