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Last active December 26, 2024 08:16
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Most active GitHub users (by contributions).

Most active GitHub users (

The list would not be updated for now. Don't write comments.

The count of contributions (summary of Pull Requests, opened issues and commits) to public repos at from Wed, 21 Sep 2022 till Thu, 21 Sep 2023.

Because of GitHub search limitations, only 1000 first users according to amount of followers are included. If you are not in the list you don't have enough followers. See raw data and source code. Algorithm in pseudocode:

  .filter(user => user.followers > 1000)
  .slice(0, 256)
# User Contribs Location Picture
#1 cheshire137 (Sarah Vessels) 10978 Nashville, Tennessee
#2 gaearon (dan) 10786
#3 frenck (Franck Nijhof) 10121 Enschede, The Netherlands
#4 charliermarsh (Charlie Marsh) 8783 Brooklyn, NY
#5 peppy (Dean Herbert) 8745 Japan
#6 phodal (Fengda Huang) 8044 Shanghai / Hangzhou, China
#7 dtolnay (David Tolnay) 7510 Redwood City, California
#8 GrahamCampbell (Graham Campbell) 7396 York, United Kingdom
#9 freekmurze (Freek Van der Herten) 7360 Antwerp, Belgium
#10 Borda (Jirka Borovec) 7059 Prague
#11 antfu (Anthony Fu) 6449 undefined
#12 jaywcjlove (小弟调调) 6312 Shanghai, China
#13 lllyasviel 6273
#14 fabpot (Fabien Potencier) 5980 Paris, France
#15 himself65 (Alex Yang) 5957 United States
#16 bradfitz (Brad Fitzpatrick) 5879 Seattle
#17 ornicar (Thibault Duplessis) 5869 France
#18 felangel (Felix Angelov) 5806 Chicago
#19 wx-chevalier (王下邀月熊) 5428 Shanghai
#20 asottile (Anthony Sottile) 5405
#21 dataprofessor (Chanin Nantasenamat) 5352 Thailand
#22 simonw (Simon Willison) 5330 Half Moon Bay, CA
#23 alexellis (Alex Ellis) 5286 United Kingdom
#24 kytrinyx (Katrina Owen) 5211
#25 acheong08 (Antonio Cheong) 5205 Your computer
#26 ankane (Andrew Kane) 5130 San Francisco, CA
#27 ljharb (Jordan Harband) 5018 Hillsborough, CA
#28 giswqs (Qiusheng Wu) 4966 Knoxville, TN
#29 hrydgard (Henrik Rydgård) 4812 Stockholm, Sweden
#30 hwchase17 (Harrison Chase) 4800
#31 josevalim (José Valim) 4788 Kraków, Poland
#32 sebastianbergmann (Sebastian Bergmann) 4643 Siegburg, Germany
#33 ice1000 (Tesla Zhang‮) 4642 Pennsylvania, Gensokyo
#34 hadley (Hadley Wickham) 4634 Houston, TX
#35 MikeMcQuaid (Mike McQuaid) 4501 Edinburgh, Scotland
#36 rusty1s (Matthias Fey) 4449 Dortmund, Germany
#37 jskeet (Jon Skeet) 4414 London, UK
#38 Jarred-Sumner (Jarred Sumner) 4343 San Francisco, CA
#39 midudev (Miguel Ángel Durán) 4321 Barcelona
#40 Atinux (Sébastien Chopin) 4308 France
#41 JakeWharton (Jake Wharton) 4293 Pittsburgh, PA, USA
#42 nikic (Nikita Popov) 4251 Berlin, Germany
#43 stefanprodan (Stefan Prodan) 4242 Bucharest
#44 willmcgugan (Will McGugan) 4185 Edinburgh, UK
#45 mcollina (Matteo Collina) 4174 Forlì, Italy
#46 nikitavoloboev (Nikita) 4143 Spain
#47 bahmutov (Gleb Bahmutov) 4104 Boston, MA
#48 Ocramius (Marco Pivetta) 3984 Perugia
#49 cclauss (Christian Clauss) 3978 Switzerland
#50 JeffersonRPM (Jefferson Martines) 3880 SP - Brasil
#51 mxcl (Max Howell) 3842 Apex, NC, USA
#52 felipefialho (Felipe Fialho) 3824 Sao Paulo - Brazil
#53 maccman (Alex MacCaw) 3809 Atlantic
#54 a8m (Ariel Mashraki) 3802 Tel Aviv, Israel
#55 alanhamlett (Alan Hamlett) 3786 Vienna, Austria
#56 driesvints (Dries Vints) 3780 Belgium
#57 unknwon (Joe Chen) 3777
#58 jennybc (Jennifer (Jenny) Bryan) 3759 Vancouver, BC, Canada
#59 serranoarevalo (니콜라스) 3752 Seoul, S. Korea
#60 AUTOMATIC1111 3716
#61 MrXyfir (xyfir) 3713 California
#62 wasabeef (Daichi Furiya) 3696 Tokyo, Japan
#63 jesseduffield (Jesse Duffield) 3671 Melbourne
#64 ahmadawais (Ahmad Awais ⚡️) 3645 San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US.
#65 emilk (Emil Ernerfeldt) 3602 Stockholm, Sweden
#66 shuding (Shu Ding) 3600 Berlin
#67 nunomaduro (Nuno Maduro) 3559 Portugal
#68 taylorotwell (Taylor Otwell) 3546 Little Rock, AR
#69 lucidrains (Phil Wang) 3527 San Francisco
#70 kamilmysliwiec (Kamil Mysliwiec) 3489 Poland
#71 kevinzhow (Kevin) 3483 Koshigaya, Japan
#72 omariosouto (Mario Souto) 3460 Brasil, São Paulo
#73 latentflip (Philip Roberts) 3455 Edinburgh
#74 alexcrichton (Alex Crichton) 3406
#75 rstacruz (Rico Sta. Cruz) 3375 Melbourne, AU
#76 lattner (Chris Lattner) 3326 Bay Area, California, USA
#77 matklad (Alex Kladov) 3304 Lisbon
#78 bagder (Daniel Stenberg) 3296 the curl factory, Sweden
#79 kentcdodds (Kent C. Dodds) 3221 Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
#80 alex (Alex Gaynor) 3210 Washington D.C.
#81 doodlewind (Yifeng Wang) 3197 China
#82 bvaughn (Brian Vaughn) 3148 Brooklyn, NY
#83 fzaninotto (Francois Zaninotto) 3101 Nancy, France
#84 sokra (Tobias Koppers) 3100 Germany
#85 lemire (Daniel Lemire) 3081 Montreal, Canada
#86 jessfraz (Jess Frazelle) 3079 PID 1
#87 isaacs (isaacs) 3077 Oakland CA
#88 davecheney (Dave Cheney) 3075 Sydney, Australia
#89 sobolevn (Nikita Sobolev) 3060
#90 segunadebayo (Segun Adebayo) 3045 United Kingdom
#91 mouredev (Brais Moure) 3018 Building software with ♥ from Galicia (Spain) to the world.
#92 mikepenz (Mike Penz) 2984 Linz, Austria
#93 sorrycc (chencheng (云谦)) 2979 HangZhou
#94 calebporzio (Caleb Porzio) 2977 Buffalo NY
#95 eddiejaoude (Eddie Jaoude) 2937 London, UK
#96 yangshun (Yangshun Tay) 2931 Singapore
#97 rui314 (Rui Ueyama) 2900 Tokyo
#98 Shougo (Shougo) 2898 Japan
#99 ai (Andrey Sitnik) 2845 Barcelona, Spain
#100 bchiang7 (Brittany Chiang) 2815
#101 AbdeenM (Abdeen Mohamed) 2813 Cairo, Egypt
#102 EvanBacon (Evan Bacon) 2778 Austin TX
#103 drakeet (Drakeet) 2745 Suzhou, China
#104 swankjesse (Jesse Wilson) 2738 Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
#105 kazupon (kazuya kawaguchi) 2736 Tokyo, Japan
#106 nswbmw (nswbmw) 2728
#107 leerob (Lee Robinson) 2723 Des Moines, IA
#108 ggerganov (Georgi Gerganov) 2698 Sofia, Bulgaria
#109 labuladong (Donglai Fu) 2677 Chengdu, China
#110 torvalds (Linus Torvalds) 2672 Portland, OR
#111 yihui (Yihui Xie) 2661 Omaha, NE
#112 tw93 (Tw93) 2628 HangZhou
#113 andrewrk (Andrew Kelley) 2613 Portland, Oregon
#114 vinta (Vinta Chen) 2610 Taiwan
#115 Yidadaa (Yifei Zhang) 2579 Moon
#116 afc163 (afc163) 2557 Hangzhou, China
#117 appleboy (Bo-Yi Wu) 2534 Hsinchu, Taiwan
#118 yihong0618 (yihong) 2514 China
#119 frontend-joe (Joe) 2475 United Kingdom
#120 Rich-Harris (Rich Harris) 2465 NYC
#121 transitive-bullshit (Travis Fischer) 2456 Brooklyn, NY
#122 benbalter (Ben Balter) 2451 Washington, DC
#123 posva (Eduardo San Martin Morote) 2442 Paris
#124 tshemsedinov (Timur Shemsedinov) 2441 Kiev, Ukraine, Europe, Earth, USA, Spain, Germany, Italy, China, Kyiv, US, UK
#125 TooTallNate (Nathan Rajlich) 2434 San Francisco, CA
#126 joshlong (Josh Long) 2433 San Francisco, CA
#127 samuelcolvin (Samuel Colvin) 2425 London, United Kingdom
#128 KrauseFx (Felix Krause) 2420 Vienna, Austria
#129 cpojer (Christoph Nakazawa) 2417 Tokyo
#130 UberGuidoZ (UberGuidoZ) 2410 Everywhere and nowhere
#131 sethvargo (Seth Vargo) 2387 Pittsburgh, PA
#132 hanxiao (Han Xiao) 2332 Berlin, Germany
#133 techwithtim (Tim Ruscica) 2331 Ontario
#134 dhh (David Heinemeier Hansson) 2325
#135 skyzh (Alex Chi Z.) 2325 Pittsburgh, PA, USA ⇌ Shanghai, China
#136 SaraVieira (Sara Vieira) 2319 Germany
#137 YunYouJun (云游君) 2312 China
#138 jedisct1 (Frank Denis) 2296 France
#139 kripken (Alon Zakai) 2290
#140 vczh 2289 Seattle, WA, USA
#141 dai-shi (Daishi Kato) 2285 Tokyo
#142 mattn (mattn) 2280 Osaka, Japan
#143 dawidolko (Dawid Olko) 2265 Rzeszów
#144 formidablae (formidablae) 2263 Milan, Italy
#145 afollestad (Aidan Follestad) 2259 San Francisco Bay Area
#146 davidkpiano (David Khourshid) 2252 Orlando, FL
#147 basarat (Basarat Ali Syed) 2243 Melbourne, Australia
#148 mbostock (Mike Bostock) 2205 San Francisco, CA
#149 gamemann (Christian Deacon) 2194 Mullica Hill, New Jersey, US
#150 freefq 2189
#151 josephmisiti (Joseph Misiti) 2182 Brooklyn, NY
#152 fchollet (François Chollet) 2181
#153 YunaiV (芋道源码) 2174 Shanghai, China
#154 swyxio ( 2154 San Francisco
#155 mitsuhiko (Armin Ronacher) 2150 Austria
#156 timneutkens (Tim Neutkens) 2136 The Netherlands
#157 mattt (Mattt) 2106 Portland, OR
#158 craftzdog (Takuya Matsuyama) 2092 Osaka, Japan
#159 nolimits4web (Vladimir Kharlampidi) 2082 Russia
#160 tannerlinsley (Tanner Linsley) 2068 Utah
#161 huacnlee (Jason Lee) 2062 Chengdu, China
#162 bizz84 (Andrea Bizzotto) 1989 London
#163 coryhouse (Cory House) 1981 Kansas City
#164 stephencelis (Stephen Celis) 1975 Brooklyn
#165 fengmk2 (fengmk2) 1970 Hangzhou, China
#166 kulikov-dev 1964 Istanbul
#167 mpociot (Marcel Pociot) 1962 Germany
#168 LeaVerou (Lea Verou) 1960 Boston, MA
#169 agentzh (Yichun Zhang) 1956 San Francisco Bay Area
#170 jgilfelt (Jeff Gilfelt) 1952 London, United Kingdom
#171 jaredpalmer (Jared Palmer) 1946 New York, NY
#172 NARKOZ (Nihad Abbasov) 1931 Kyiv, Ukraine
#173 Gizachew29 (Gizachew) 1905 Summerlin, NV, USA
#174 ProgrammingHero1 (Programming Hero) 1901
#175 DIYgod (DIYgod) 1893 Scotland
#176 changkun (Changkun Ou) 1886 Munich, Germany
#177 tiann (weishu) 1881 China
#178 krisnova (Kris Nóva) 1855
#179 wcandillon (William Candillon) 1841 Zürich
#180 eliben (Eli Bendersky) 1833 California
#181 tqchen (Tianqi Chen) 1832
#182 danistefanovic (Daniel Stefanovic) 1832 Switzerland
#183 insidegui (Guilherme Rambo) 1810 Brazil
#184 fatih (Fatih Arslan) 1803 Ankara, TR
#185 staltz (André Staltz) 1803 Helsinki, Finland
#186 jakevdp (Jake Vanderplas) 1802 Oakland CA
#187 coolsnowwolf (coolsnowwolf) 1793
#188 Germey (崔庆才丨静觅) 1786 Beijing
#189 zenorocha (Zeno Rocha) 1776 San Francisco, California
#190 Brooooooklyn (LongYinan) 1767 undefined
#191 ashleygwilliams (ashley williams) 1762 ATX
#192 gakonst (Georgios Konstantopoulos) 1761 Thessaloniki, Greece
#193 mathiasbynens (Mathias Bynens) 1755
#194 adeshpande3 (Adit Deshpande) 1750 San Francisco, CA
#195 twpayne (Tom Payne) 1744 Zürich, Switzerland
#196 peter-kimanzi (Peter Kimanzi) 1733 Nairobi
#197 luin (Zihua Li) 1705
#198 PySimpleGUI (PySimpleGUI) 1697 USA
#199 SaraSoueidan (Sara Soueidan) 1681 Lebanon
#200 gorhill (Raymond Hill) 1675 Canada / Québec
#201 jonschlinkert (Jon Schlinkert) 1666 Cincinnati, OH
#202 mckaywrigley (Mckay Wrigley) 1658
#203 avelino (Avelino) 1654 Brazil
#204 jeresig (John Resig) 1644 Hudson Valley, NY
#205 chrisbanes (Chris Banes) 1638 Bath, UK
#206 wolfwarrier14 (Wolf Warrior) 1630
#207 david-kariuki (David Kariuki (DK)) 1628 Nairobi, Kenya
#208 geohot (George Hotz) 1623 San Diego, CA
#209 thedaviddias (David Dias) 1623 Toronto, Canada
#210 muan (Mu-An Chiou) 1615 Taipei
#211 mattpocock (Matt Pocock) 1604 Oxfordshire
#212 jart (Justine Tunney) 1599
#213 cssmagic (CSS魔法) 1585 SH, China
#214 rakyll (Jaana Dogan) 1582 San Francisco, CA
#215 chyyuu (chyyuu) 1582 Beijing, China
#216 shadcn (shadcn) 1575
#217 surma (Surma) 1570 Bristol, England
#218 justjavac (迷渡) 1555 Tianjin, China
#219 DanWahlin (Dan Wahlin) 1554 Arizona
#220 pydanny (Daniel Roy Greenfeld) 1554 London, UK
#221 CamDavidsonPilon (Cameron Davidson-Pilon) 1552 Waterloo, Canada
#222 BEPb (Andrej Marinchenko) 1546 Belarus
#223 WillKoehrsen (Will Koehrsen) 1543 Washington, DC
#224 keijiro (Keijiro Takahashi) 1538 Japan
#225 marijnh (Marijn Haverbeke) 1528 Berlin
#226 t3dotgg (Theo Browne) 1520 San Francisco, CA
#227 oldratlee (李鼎) 1519 Shanghai ⇌ Hangzhou Zhejiang, China
#228 SebLague (Sebastian Lague) 1516 Denmark
#229 desandro (David DeSandro) 1506 Vienna, VA
#230 kevinsawicki (Kevin Sawicki) 1502 Sammamish, WA
#231 vjanz (Valon Januzaj) 1500 Prishtina
#232 tiangolo (Sebastián Ramírez) 1499 Berlin, Germany
#233 wenshao (温绍锦) 1497 Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
#234 shiffman (Daniel Shiffman) 1494 New York, NY
#235 Alvin9999 (自由上网) 1492
#236 CSSEGISandData 1481 Baltimore, MD
#237 joshwcomeau (Joshua Comeau) 1478 Montreal, QC
#238 markerikson (Mark Erikson) 1469 OH, USA
#239 jaredhanson (Jared Hanson) 1469 Berkeley, CA
#240 jamesmontemagno (James Montemagno) 1464 Pacific Northwest
#241 hunkim (Sung Kim) 1445 Hong Kong
#242 Neo23x0 (Florian Roth) 1432 Frankfurt, Germany
#243 clementmihailescu (Clément Mihailescu) 1431
#244 dennybritz (Denny Britz) 1428 Tokyo, Japan
#245 rfyiamcool (fengyun.rui) 1426 China / BeiJing
#246 zkat (Kat Marchán) 1426 stolen Chochenyo Ohlone land
#247 sharkdp (David Peter) 1423 Stuttgart, Germany
#248 ardalis (Steve Smith) 1411 Ohio
#249 rsms (Rasmus) 1409 San Francisco
#250 geerlingguy (Jeff Geerling) 1392 St. Louis, MO
#251 rexim (Alexey Kutepov) 1388 Novosibirsk
#252 yyx990803 (Evan You) 1371 Singapore
#253 rasbt (Sebastian Raschka) 1367 Madison, WI
#254 kenjinote (kenji) 1362 Japan
#255 toddmotto (Todd Motto) 1319 England, UK
#256 shengxinjing (花果山大圣) 1319 China Anhui

Top 10 users from this list by other metrics:

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@nopara73 Where are your 1000+ followers (.filter(user => user.followers > 1000))?

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nopara73 commented May 1, 2018

@cstrobbe I see, thanks. It took me half a year to figure out what I missed. I don't know how could I missed that.

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nopara73 commented May 1, 2018

I generated an up-to-date list as of 2018.05.02:

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asdf2014 commented Jun 8, 2018

双击 666

double-click six six six

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There must be a followup button in-front of every developer :)

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maxko87 commented Sep 1, 2018

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Why I am not getting any followers!!
I am college Student In India, Started this Platform for development.
Please check my profile and follow-

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I'll join soon.

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pretty cool stuff..
man needs to muscle up

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tut tut, your robot is here

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lol completely nerd profiles, wish to be like them

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@paulmillr mind updating the list?

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code updates are welcome, the script doesn't work now

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Would one want to use API v4 with GraphQL these days for this task?

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whatever is working

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How does one get to be on the lists apart from only having commits . cant find my name on top commits list

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Please also add a follow link?

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Nice one!

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Nice one!

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ljharb commented Sep 21, 2023

@paulmillr could you perhaps alter the script to filter out private contributions?

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@ljharb I don't see any easy way to do this, you need to go user-by-user manually and check their daily contributions by hand.

I will do this now for the first 20-50-100 users.

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ljharb commented Sep 21, 2023

That's unfortunate, but makes sense.

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Update this list bruh

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@Zaid-maker go ahead and update it instead of writing here, it's open source

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@paulmillr Can you please update this gist, actually I am the 1st! # #

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I will not be updating this gist. Go build your own list.

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Thank you @paulmillr

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