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khalidx /
Last active October 10, 2024 02:26
A Node + TypeScript + ts-node + ESM experience that works.

The experience of using Node.JS with TypeScript, ts-node, and ESM is horrible.

There are countless guides of how to integrate them, but none of them seem to work.

Here's what worked for me.

Just add the following files and run npm run dev. You'll be good to go!


gsnedders /
Last active April 22, 2022 21:18
more WebKit history
set -ex
# git clone
# cd WebKit
git fetch --no-tags refs/tags/*:refs/tags/kdelibs/* 3324ba050e98b031f3e60d711448577e18a376f8:refs/tags/kdelibs/v3.0.0-beta2-ish
declare -A replacements
Created March 1, 2021 02:04
ffmpeg screencast for macos
# there's a bunch of things that don't work properly:
# - can't capture computer audio output - it desyncs
# - need to change the input devices (`-i "v:a"`) based on the output of `ffmpeg -f avfoundation -list_devices true -i ""`
ffmpeg \
-thread_queue_size 150 -f avfoundation -probesize 50M -framerate 30 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -i "2:3" \
-thread_queue_size 150 -f avfoundation -probesize 50M -framerate 30 -pix_fmt uyvy422 -capture_cursor 1 -capture_mouse_clicks 1 -i "4" \
-filter_complex '
alekseykulikov /
Last active July 2, 2023 14:20
Extra features of PageSpeed Insights API

In this article, I would like to share three features of PageSpeed Insights (PSI), that is not easy to find in the official documentation. I discovered them while hacking on the Lighthouse plugin and integrating PSI to

For a context, PSI is a simple yet powerful API by Google, that audits your page using Lighthouse and provides real-world users' data from Chrome UX Report (CrUX).

1. Audit many categories with one request

By default, PSI API returns only performance category. It's possible to pass ?category argument multiple times and get a report with many Lighthouse categories using one request (available categories: performance, accessibility, best-practices, seo, pwa).

curl -i "
majido / jank-bookmarklet.js
Last active June 30, 2024 11:42
A bookmarklet to add custom amount of jank to main thread. Crafted for those who 💜 jank!
var meter = `
<label style="position:fixed; z-index:10000; top: 0; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); background-color: pink; padding: 5px;">
Main thread jank (0-500ms): <input id="jankmeter" type="range" min=0 max=500 value=50>
const d = document.createElement('jank');
d.innerHTML = meter;
jkrems /
Last active August 19, 2024 02:13
History of ES modules

Modules - History & Future


bdd / quickfiles
Last active April 15, 2023 13:54
FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND utility for fzf
# FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND utility for fzf
# Tries to use Watchman, Ripgrep (rg), The Silver Searcher (ag) in this order.
# ...or falls back the fzf's Unix default.
# - Use 'git ls-files -cmod' in Git repositories
diegoconcha /
Last active January 18, 2022 13:23
Redux Notes

###Redux Egghead Video Notes###

####Introduction:#### Managing state in an application is critical, and is often done haphazardly. Redux provides a state container for JavaScript applications that will help your applications behave consistently.

Redux is an evolution of the ideas presented by Facebook's Flux, avoiding the complexity found in Flux by looking to how applications are built with the Elm language.

####1st principle of Redux:#### Everything that changes in your application including the data and ui options is contained in a single object called the state tree

max-mapper /
Last active March 16, 2023 15:18
Video stabilization using VidStab and FFMPEG (Mac OS X)

Video stabilization using VidStab and FFMPEG

Examples here use the default settings, see the VidStab readme on GitHub for more advanced instructions.

Here's an example video I made

Install ffmpeg with the vidstab plugin from homebrew

brew install ffmpeg --with-libvidstab
PaulKinlan /
Last active May 26, 2022 11:20
Screen Record for Android
#! /bin/bash
mkdir -p ./backgrounds
function get_google_device_art {
local device=$1
# Get the Google Device backgrounds
curl "$1/port_back.png" > "./backgrounds/$1_port_back.png"
curl "$1/port_fore.png" > "./backgrounds/$1_port_fore.png"