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Last active July 12, 2018 17:23
all-purpose function for dumping any python thing in a mostly-readable manner (aka dump)
import logging
# MAGIC-NUMBER: max length is just some guess at a reasonable size, e.g. 80 cols by 500 lines
def dump(value, msg='DUMP', max_length=80 * 500, stdout=False, pick=(), skip=(),
Write as verbose of a description of the value as possible to logging.DEBUG.
:param value: The item of interest.
:type value: object
:param msg: Prefix for the logged item (default='DUMP')
:type msg: basestring
:param max_length: Longest allowed string length (set to None for unlimited)
:type max_length: int
:param stdout: If true, print instead of logging (default=False)
:type stdout: bool
:param pick: If specified, dump only values for these keys of the item
(value must be a dict or allow __dict__ access).
The name comes from
:type pick: iterable of basestring
:param skip: If specified, exclude values for these keys of the item
(value must be a dict or allow __dict__ access).
:type skip: iterable of basestring
:param loglevel: Defaults to logging.DEBUG. One of the logging constants.
:type loglevel: int
:return: True if message dumped
:rtype: bool
if not logging.getLogger().isEnabledFor(loglevel) and not stdout:
if pick:
d = value if isinstance(value, dict) else value.__dict__
filtered = {
property_name: d[property_name]
for property_name in pick
if property_name in d
value = filtered
if skip:
d = value if isinstance(value, dict) else value.__dict__
filtered = {
property_name: d[property_name]
for property_name in d
if property_name not in skip
value = filtered
kwargs = dict(indent=2, sort_keys=True)
import json
info = json.dumps(value, **kwargs)
except Exception:
# JSON doesn't like circular references :/
string_repr = repr(value)
# Replace python primitives, single-quotes, unicode, etc
string_repr = string_repr\
.replace('None', 'null')\
.replace('True', 'true')\
.replace('False', 'false')\
.replace("u'", "'")\
.replace("'", '"')
# Replace object and function repr's like <MyObject ...>
string_repr = re.sub(r':(\s+)(<[^>]+>)', r':\1"\2"', string_repr)
# Replace tuples with lists, very naively
string_repr = string_repr.replace('(', '[').replace(')', ']')
info = json.dumps(json.loads(string_repr), **kwargs)
except Exception:
from pprint import pformat
info = pformat(value, indent=2)
def _out(formatted_string, *format_args):
"""Format the string and output it to the correct location."""
if stdout:
print(formatted_string % format_args)
logging.log(loglevel, formatted_string, *format_args)
if max_length is None or len(info) <= max_length:
_out('%s: %s', msg, info)
return True
'Did not dump "%s" due to length restriction. Increase max_length if desired.', msg
return False
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This was created as an answer to my question/request: Work around python's json module not liking circular references - Stack Overflow

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