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Last active September 23, 2019 15:33
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Given a starting public AWS AMI, generate a YAML list of AMI IDs for that AMI in all AWS regions.
# Given the ID of an Amazon public AMI in one region, figure out what the
# equivalent AMI IDs are for that same AMI in all other regions known.
# If that AMI isn't defined in a region, it prints the region's name, but
# comments it out.
from __future__ import print_function
import boto3
# Get a starting point by finding a value in the table on this page or similar page.
# Alternatively, you can run something like:
# aws ec2 describe-images --owners amazon --filter "Name=description,Values=Amazon Linux AMI 2017*" |
# jq -c '.Images[] | {ImageId, Name, Description}'
# It will list images in the current region based on the filter expression. From there, you can
# figure out which image suits your needs. Stick the region and AMI identifier below.
# This is "amzn-ami-hvm-2017.03.1.20170623-x86_64-s3"
BASEAMIs= [ "ami-8c1be5f6", "ami-5648ad2c", "ami-cd0f5cb6" ]
# List all regions
client = boto3.client('ec2', region_name=BASEREGION)
regions = [region['RegionName'] for region in client.describe_regions()['Regions']]
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=BASEREGION)
i = 0
target_image = {}
name_filter = {}
for aminame in BASEAMIs:
# Figure out what the AWS Name is for this image.
# AMI filter
image_filter = [{'Name':'image-id', 'Values':[BASEAMIs[i]]}]
image_names = list(ec2.images.filter(Filters=image_filter).all())
if( len(image_names) != 1 ):
print( "ERROR: ", len(image_names), "matched", BASEAMIs[i])
exit( 1 )
print( '# AMI{} is {}'.format( i, image_names[0].name ) )
target_image[i] = image_names[0].name
# name-based filter
name_filter[i] = [{'Name':'name', 'Values': [target_image[i]] }]
i = i+1
# Print the first lines of YAML
print( "Region2AMI:" )
# For every region, look up the AMI ID for that region by looking for
# the image with the same name.
for r in regions:
ec2 = boto3.resource('ec2', region_name=r)
print( " " + r + ":" )
while (i < len(target_image.keys()) ):
image_names = list(ec2.images.filter(Filters=name_filter[i]).all())
if( len(image_names) != 1 ):
print( '# {} undefined'.format(r) )
print( ' AMI{}: {}'.format(i, image_names[0].id ) )
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Example output:

    rWebServerInstance: ami-c4bba0a2
#  ap-south-1: undefined
#  eu-west-2: undefined
    rWebServerInstance: ami-c4bba0a2
#  ap-northeast-2: undefined
    rWebServerInstance: ami-d3d3c4b4
    rWebServerInstance: ami-1cdab170
#  ca-central-1: undefined
    rWebServerInstance: ami-42901f21
    rWebServerInstance: ami-43918120
    rWebServerInstance: ami-4dbc1a22
    rWebServerInstance: ami-abc1ebbd
#  us-east-2: undefined
    rWebServerInstance: ami-347e5254
    rWebServerInstance: ami-98f3e7e1

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blancNoir commented Nov 19, 2018

thanks for writing this, worked right out of the box

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