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Created October 8, 2019 10:49
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using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityGoogleDrive; //
public class GoogleDriveTest : MonoBehaviour
static void AfterSceneLoad()
var camera = FindObjectOfType<Camera>();
if (camera != null)
camera.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.SolidColor;
var type = typeof(GoogleDriveTest);
var obj = new GameObject(type.Name, type);
Coroutine Coroutine;
string Error = string.Empty;
readonly List<string> FileList = new List<string>(10);
GUIContext m_GUIContext;
void OnGUI()
var cs = m_GUIContext ?? (m_GUIContext = new GUIContext());
bool original = GUI.enabled;
GUI.enabled = Coroutine == null;
if (GUILayout.Button("List", cs.Button))
Coroutine = StartCoroutine(List());
GUI.enabled = original;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Error))
FileList.ForEach(f => GUILayout.Label(f, cs.Label));
GUILayout.Label("Error: " + Error, cs.Error);
IEnumerator List()
var op = GoogleDriveFiles.List();
yield return op.Send();
if (op.IsError)
Error = op.Error;
Error = string.Empty;
var list = op.ResponseData;
FileList.AddRange(list.Files.ConvertAll(f => f.Name));
Coroutine = null;
sealed class GUIContext
public GUIStyle Button;
public GUIStyle Label;
public GUIStyle Error;
public GUIContext()
Button = new GUIStyle( { fontSize = Screen.height / 18 };
Label = new GUIStyle( { fontSize = Screen.height / 16 };
Error = new GUIStyle( { fontSize = Screen.height / 16 };
Error.normal.textColor =;
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