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Recaptcha Solver in Browser | Automatically solves Recaptcha in browser by engageub | Note: This script is solely intended for the use of educational purposes only and not to abuse any website. This script uses audio in order to solve the captcha. Use it wisely and do not abuse any website. Click "Raw" to install it on Tampermonkey
// ==UserScript==
// @name Recaptcha Solver (Automatically solves Recaptcha in browser)
// @namespace Recaptcha Solver
// @version 2.1
// @description Recaptcha Solver in Browser | Automatically solves Recaptcha in browser
// @author engageub
// @match *://*/recaptcha/*
// @connect
// @connect
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
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/** Note: This script is solely intended for the use of educational purposes only and not to abuse any website.
This script uses audio in order to solve the captcha. Use it wisely and do not abuse any website.
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
var solved = false;
var checkBoxClicked = false;
var waitingForAudioResponse = false;
//Node Selectors
const CHECK_BOX = ".recaptcha-checkbox-border";
const AUDIO_BUTTON = "#recaptcha-audio-button";
const PLAY_BUTTON = ".rc-audiochallenge-play-button .rc-button-default";
const AUDIO_SOURCE = "#audio-source";
const IMAGE_SELECT = "#rc-imageselect";
const RESPONSE_FIELD = ".rc-audiochallenge-response-field";
const AUDIO_ERROR_MESSAGE = ".rc-audiochallenge-error-message";
const AUDIO_RESPONSE = "#audio-response";
const RELOAD_BUTTON = "#recaptcha-reload-button";
const RECAPTCHA_STATUS = "#recaptcha-accessible-status";
const DOSCAPTCHA = ".rc-doscaptcha-body";
const VERIFY_BUTTON = "#recaptcha-verify-button";
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 5;
var requestCount = 0;
var recaptchaLanguage = qSelector("html").getAttribute("lang");
var audioUrl = "";
var recaptchaInitialStatus = qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS) ? qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS).innerText : ""
var serversList = ["",""];
var latencyList = Array(serversList.length).fill(10000);
//Check for visibility && Click the check box
function isHidden(el) {
return(el.offsetParent === null)
async function getTextFromAudio(URL) {
var minLatency = 100000;
var url = "";
//Selecting the last/latest server by default if latencies are equal
for(let k=0; k< latencyList.length;k++){
if(latencyList[k] <= minLatency){
minLatency = latencyList[k];
url = serversList[k];
requestCount = requestCount + 1;
URL = URL.replace("", "");
if(recaptchaLanguage.length < 1) {
console.log("Recaptcha Language is not recognized");
recaptchaLanguage = "en-US";
console.log("Recaptcha Language is " + recaptchaLanguage);
method: "POST",
url: url,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
data: "input=" + encodeURIComponent(URL) + "&lang=" + recaptchaLanguage,
timeout: 60000,
onload: function(response) {
console.log("Response::" + response.responseText);
try {
if(response && response.responseText) {
var responseText = response.responseText;
//Validate Response for error messages or html elements
if(responseText == "0" || responseText.includes("<") || responseText.includes(">") || responseText.length < 2 || responseText.length > 50) {
//Invalid Response, Reload the captcha
console.log("Invalid Response. Retrying..");
} else if(qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE) && qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src && audioUrl == qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src && qSelector(AUDIO_RESPONSE)
&& !qSelector(AUDIO_RESPONSE).value && qSelector(AUDIO_BUTTON).style.display == "none" && qSelector(VERIFY_BUTTON)) {
qSelector(AUDIO_RESPONSE).value = responseText;
} else {
console.log("Could not locate text input box")
waitingForAudioResponse = false;
} catch(err) {
console.log("Exception handling response. Retrying..");
waitingForAudioResponse = false;
onerror: function(e) {
waitingForAudioResponse = false;
ontimeout: function() {
console.log("Response Timed out. Retrying..");
waitingForAudioResponse = false;
async function pingTest(url) {
var start = new Date().getTime();
method: "GET",
url: url,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
data: "",
timeout: 8000,
onload: function(response) {
if(response && response.responseText && response.responseText=="0") {
var end = new Date().getTime();
var milliseconds = end - start;
// For large values use Hashmap
for(let i=0; i< serversList.length;i++){
if (url == serversList[i]) {
latencyList[i] = milliseconds;
onerror: function(e) {
ontimeout: function() {
console.log("Ping Test Response Timed out for " + url);
function qSelectorAll(selector) {
return document.querySelectorAll(selector);
function qSelector(selector) {
return document.querySelector(selector);
} else if(window.location.href.includes("bframe")){
for(let i=0; i< serversList.length;i++){
//Solve the captcha using audio
var startInterval = setInterval(function() {
try {
if(!checkBoxClicked && qSelector(CHECK_BOX) && !isHidden(qSelector(CHECK_BOX))) {
//console.log("checkbox clicked");
checkBoxClicked = true;
//Check if the captcha is solved
if(qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS) && (qSelector(RECAPTCHA_STATUS).innerText != recaptchaInitialStatus)) {
solved = true;
if(requestCount > MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
console.log("Attempted Max Retries. Stopping the solver");
solved = true;
if(!solved) {
if(qSelector(AUDIO_BUTTON) && !isHidden(qSelector(AUDIO_BUTTON)) && qSelector(IMAGE_SELECT)) {
// console.log("Audio button clicked");
if((!waitingForAudioResponse && qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE) && qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src
&& qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src.length > 0 && audioUrl == qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src
&& qSelector(RELOAD_BUTTON)) ||
(qSelector(AUDIO_ERROR_MESSAGE) && qSelector(AUDIO_ERROR_MESSAGE).innerText.length > 0 && qSelector(RELOAD_BUTTON) &&
} else if(!waitingForAudioResponse && qSelector(RESPONSE_FIELD) && !isHidden(qSelector(RESPONSE_FIELD))
&& !qSelector(AUDIO_RESPONSE).value && qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE) && qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src
&& qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src.length > 0 && audioUrl != qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src
&& requestCount <= MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
waitingForAudioResponse = true;
audioUrl = qSelector(AUDIO_SOURCE).src
}else {
//Stop solving when Automated queries message is shown
if(qSelector(DOSCAPTCHA) && qSelector(DOSCAPTCHA).innerText.length > 0) {
console.log("Automated Queries Detected");
} catch(err) {
console.log("An error occurred while solving. Stopping the solver.");
}, 5000);
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Bro I was searching for it a long time.. Now Finally got it.. Tnx

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Thank you very much.

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Tcspy34 commented Jul 1, 2022

can i get contact Mujahid2002

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Yes ? @Tcspy34

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Tcspy34 commented Jul 2, 2022 via email

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When script is running, recaptcha popup is frequently coming at some sites like (mainly this ). After 2 or 3 popups, site is saying that "you computer may be sending automatic requests, please try again later".

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The-KTC commented Aug 23, 2022

wow, thank you very much!

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I have a problem..When i run recaptcha, always show try again later. How can i solve this problem.

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Yes ? @Tcspy34

How to setting interval? I want setting solve every 1 minute.

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can i get contact

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can i get contact plz [email protected]

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YesTrustMe commented May 5, 2023

Having this script enabled is causing sites to push captchas onto you. For instance:

And then the error message:
"Try again later. Your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. For more details visit our help page"

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How can i make it so that the script is enabled only for the websites of my choice?

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ltfschoen commented Mar 25, 2024

How do you get around XSS protection, since the reCAPTCHA iframe loads from a different domain (i.e. and the cross-site contents cannot be read by JavaScript?
When you run the function qSelector(CHECK_BOX) to select the reCAPTCHA checkbox it runs document.querySelector(".recaptcha-checkbox-border") and returns null because it can't find the element since it's looking in the "top", but the reCAPTCHA is loaded from a different domain in an iframe that has a title of "reCAPTCHA".
If you go into your browser inspector console, you can find the name of that iframe, and choose it from the dropdown instead of "top" as shown here
have, then its possible to run:


Then it returns the reCAPTCHA element

But if you instead select "top" instead of the iframe that has loaded from a different domain anchor (i.e. and run:


It returns


Or if you instead run:


Then you'll get error:

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to read a named property 'document' from 'Window': Blocked a frame with origin "http://_____" from accessing a cross-origin frame.

Since the src of the iframe is:

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@Mujahid2002 this script is not working on text image captcha. Can you please help me out?

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