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Created July 21, 2021 12:08
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D8/D9 : Auto update contrib with composer and Git commit
function greenecho {
echo "" && echo -e "\e[30;48;5;82m ✔ $1 \e[0m"
function orangeecho {
echo "" && echo -e "\e[30;48;5;208m ⚠ $1 \e[0m"
greenecho "Here we are: "$(pwd)
# Update sources
greenecho "Update sources ..."
git pull --quiet origin master
greenecho "Check for outdated modules"
MODULE_LIST=$(composer outdated drupal/* --no-ansi|grep ' ! '|grep -v ^drupal/core)
if [ -n "$MODULE_LIST" ] ; then
while read MODULE; do
MODULE_NAME=$(echo $MODULE | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d'/' -f2)
MODULE_VERSION=$(echo $MODULE | awk -F'! ' '{ print $2 }'|cut -d' ' -f1)
# if MODULE_VERSION start with 'dev', check for commit hash
if [[ $MODULE_VERSION = dev* ]]
MODULE_VERSION_HASH=$(echo $MODULE | awk -F'! ' '{ print $2 }'|cut -d' ' -f2)
greenecho "Updating $MODULE_NAME to $MODULE_VERSION ..."
# Update
if composer --quiet update drupal/$MODULE_NAME; then
# Commit
git add composer.lock
git commit -m "[up] $MODULE_NAME $MODULE_VERSION"
# revert changes and warn user
git checkout -- composer.lock
orangeecho "Error while updating $MODULE_NAME"
done < <(printf '%s\n' "$MODULE_LIST")
greenecho "Push updated sources"
# git push origin master
orangeecho "Nothing to update"
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