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Created October 8, 2014 14:45
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void testApp::setup(){
vector <AlliedCamera::CameraInfo> cameras = AlliedCamera::ListDevices();
if( cameras.size() ){
//true means block until the camera is opened and frames are coming in.
if( camera.openCamera(0, true) ){
cout << " camera opened " << endl;
//this is a control panel we are using to display sliders
panel.setup("camera", 0, 0, 1920, 1000);
panel.addDrawableRect("view", &texture, 640, 480);
//get a list of camera params - the CameraParam object uses different variables based on the param type
vector <AlliedCamera::CameraParam> params = camera.getCameraParameters();
//here is an example of querying the params
for(int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++){
if( params[i].getType() == ePvDatatypeFloat32 ){
panel.addSlider(params[i].getName(), params[i].getValueF(), params[i].getMinValueF(), params[i].getMaxValueF());
else if( params[i].getType() == ePvDatatypeUint32 ){
if(paramInclude[j] == "ExposureValue"){
panel.addSliderInt(params[i].getName(), params[i].getValueUL(), params[i].getMinValueUL(), params[i].getMaxValueUL()/100);
panel.addSliderInt(params[i].getName(), params[i].getValueUL(), params[i].getMinValueUL(), params[i].getMaxValueUL());
else if( params[i].getType() == ePvDatatypeEnum ){
panel.addTextDropDown(params[i].getName(), params[i].getEnumSelected(), params[i].getEnumValues());
else if( params[i].getType() == ePvDatatypeString ){
panel.addLabel(params[i].getName() + ": " + params[i].getValueS());
void testApp::update(){
if( camera.isFrameNew() ){
//cout << " frame new !!!! " << endl;
ofPixels pix = camera.getPixelsRef();
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