- URL: https://completion.amazon.com/api/2017/
- Resource: suggestions
- Paramters:
- session-id: 133-2190809-5709766
- customer-id: A1CNYR04B8CZOZ
- request-id: NTH41W0H5GYC8N00NVCS
- page-type: Gateway
- lop=en_US
- site-variant=desktop
- client-info=amazon-search-ui
- alias=aps
- b2b=0
- fresh=0
- ks=69
- prefix=iphone
- event=onKeyPress
- limit=11
- fb=1
- suggestion-type=KEYWORD
- _=1551464006702
A minimum working request: https://completion.amazon.com/api/2017/suggestions?mid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&alias=aps&prefix=iphone
Hi @odrianoaliveira!
Thanks for this, I looked everywhere for a list of potential parameters. Did you ever figure out what they all do?
Some of them make sense, but others are pretty mysterious - but regardless, I would love to know if you made any kind of headway into values for each of them...
BTW, do you know what this type of request brings back? It seems a lot more basic, I just don't understand exactly what I'm getting.