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Created December 7, 2022 15:23
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// reduce function returning all directories bigger than 100K
const reduceToBiggerThan = (list, directory) => {
if (directory.size <= 100 * 1000) {
directory.children.reduce(reduceToBiggerThan, list);
return list;
// reduce to the smallest directory that is bigger than the neededSpace
const reduceToSmallestDelete = (neededSpace) => {
return function reduceToSmallest(topCandidate, directory) {
// too small, don't bother with children
if (directory.size < neededSpace) {
return topCandidate;
// go depth first
topCandidate = directory.children.reduce(reduceToSmallest, topCandidate);
if (!topCandidate || directory.size < topCandidate.size) {
return directory
return topCandidate;
function Directory(parent) {;
this.parent = parent;
this.children = [];
this.size = 0;
this.addFile = (size) => {
this.size += size;
this.parent && this.parent.addFile(size);
return this;
const main = (inputString) => {
const topDirectory = new Directory();
let currentDirectory = topDirectory;
inputString.split('\n').forEach(line => {
const parts = line.split(' ');
const firstWord = parts[0];
const directoryName = parts[2];
switch (firstWord) {
case '$':
// if directoryName is not set, it's a `ls` cmd which
// we ignore. we also ignore `cd /`, it happens only once at start
if (directoryName == '..') {
currentDirectory = currentDirectory.parent;
} else if (directoryName) {
// a directory is never entered twice, so we can simply create
// when entered
const newDirectory = new Directory(currentDirectory);
currentDirectory = newDirectory;
case 'dir':
// dont care but don't fall into default
// must be file at at this point
const fileSize = parseInt(firstWord);
const directoriesBiggerThan = topDirectory.children.reduce(reduceToBiggerThan, []);
const sum = directoriesBiggerThan.reduce((prev, current) => {
return prev + current.size;
}, 0);
console.log('part 1', sum);
const usedSpace = topDirectory.size;
const freeSpace = 70000000 - usedSpace;
const neededSpace = 30000000 - freeSpace;
const bestDirectory = topDirectory.children.reduce(reduceToSmallestDelete(neededSpace), null);
console.log('part 2', bestDirectory.size)
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