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#!/bin/sh -eu
while [ "${SECONDS}" -lt 10 ]
echo -n '.'
sleep 1
include "%L"
# status icons
<Multi_key> <bracketleft> <greater> : "▶️" U25B6 # Black Right-Pointing Triangle
<Multi_key> <Multi_key> <greater> : "▶️" U25B6 # Black Right-Pointing Triangle
<Multi_key> <bar> <bar> : "⏯" U23EF # Black Right-Pointing Triangle with Double Vertical Bar
<Multi_key> <bracketleft> <exclam> : "⚠️" U26A0 # Warning Sign
syntax "Jira" "\.jira$"
color brightwhite "^h1\. .*"
color brightwhite start="\*\<" end="\>\*"
color green start="\{\{" end="\}\}"
color brightyellow "\\\["
color brightblue start="[^\\]\[" end="\]"
color yellow "^\*+ "
interface IFilter {
public function bAccept($sSequence);
class CFilterRegExp implements IFilter {
private $sRegExp;
public function __construct($sRegExp)
ob-ivan / gitcommit.nanorc
Last active April 28, 2021 08:51 — forked from keithamus/Nano Git Commit Syntax highlighting
Include this file from your ~/.nanorc and when running "git commit" (if your editor is nano) you'll have syntax highlighting in your commit message. Includes support for "git commit -v" too!
syntax "gitcommit" "COMMIT_EDITMSG$"
color cyan "#.*"
color brightgreen "# On branch .*"
color cyan "# On branch"
color green "#.(new file|modified|deleted).*"
color yellow start="# Changes.*" end="# Changed.*"
color red start="# Untracked.*" end="diff"
color red start="# Untracked.*" end="$$"
color brightred "^deleted file mode .*"
color brightgreen "^new file mode .*"
ob-ivan / .bashrc
Last active August 8, 2019 12:32
Do not disable umask
# my basic bashrc file
# $ mkdir ~/github
# $ cd ~/github
# $ git clone [email protected]:cf6f78eccaabf463fecbc9177dcb1f7d.git bashrc
# Then add these lines to your .bashrc:
# prompt command for xshell
# $ mkdir ~/github
# $ cd ~/github
# $ git clone [email protected]:3c8f9f74aa0de586f977599e625fced7.git prompt_command
# Then add these lines to your .bashrc:
# Your wallpapers folder
# needed to be run from cron
export DISPLAY=:0
# change `username` with your user name
export XAUTHORITY=/home/ivan/.Xauthority
# - clone to ~/GitHub/screensaver-layout
# - edit ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE/autoload
# - add line: @~/GitHub/screensaver-layout/
# - save and exit
# - relogin to desktop environment
SYS_LAYOUTS=$(setxkbmap -query | grep 'layout' | awk '{ print $2 }')
ob-ivan / .gitaliases
Last active November 22, 2024 09:23
My aliases for git command line
# git aliases
# $ mkdir ~/github
# $ cd ~/github
# $ git clone [email protected]:5ad1168a4839d9bb9f4ec99c7d0ea949.git gitaliases
# Then add these lines to your .bashrc: