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Created December 21, 2013 13:18
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  • Save nyxcalamity/8069197 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nyxcalamity/8069197 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
script for complete system and data backup
#Performs a recursive directory backup by copying it to a specified location in a raw format.
#Usefull rsync shortcuts:
#-a, --archive archive mode; equals -rlptgoD (no -H,-A,-X)
#-n, --dry-run perform a trial run with no changes made
#-h, --human-readable output numbers in a human-readable format
#-W, --whole-file copy files whole (w/o delta-xfer algorithm)
#--del an alias for --delete-during
#--delete-during receiver deletes during xfer, not before
#--log-file=FILE log what we're doing to the specified FILE
#--list-only list the files instead of copying them
export TARGET=/media/nyxcalamity/nyx-warehouse
export SOURCE_WH=/mnt/wh
export TARGET_WH=$TARGET/warehouse
export SOURCE_WS=/home/nyxcalamity/ws
export TARGET_WS=$TARGET/workspace
export TARGET_SYS=$TARGET/sys-backup
export LOG_FILE_WH=$TARGET/rsync-backup-wh.log
export LOG_FILE_WS=$TARGET/rsync-backup-ws.log
export OK="$(tput setaf 2)DONE$(tput sgr0)"
echo -n "Backing up warehouse: "
rsync -ah --del --log-file=$LOG_FILE_WH $SOURCE_WH/ $TARGET_WH/
find $TARGET_WH -type d -empty -delete
echo $OK
echo -n "Backing up workspace: "
rsync -ah --del --log-file=$LOG_FILE_WS $SOURCE_WS/ $TARGET_WS/
find $TARGET_WS -type d -empty -delete
echo $OK
echo -n "Backing up system files: "
cp -arf ~/.ssh $TARGET_SYS
cp -f ~/.profile $TARGET_SYS/.profile
echo $OK
echo "$(tput setaf 4)Backup completed.$(tput sgr0)"
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