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WordPress - Add button to TinyMCE editor in WordPress. Great for creating menus so users can add shortcodes without having to remember the syntax
/*Add this code to your functions.php file of current theme OR plugin file if you're making a plugin*/
//add the button to the tinymce editor
function add_my_tinymce_media_button($context){
return $context.=__("
<a href=\"#TB_inline?width=480&inlineId=my_shortcode_popup&width=640&height=513\" class=\"button thickbox\" id=\"my_shortcode_popup_button\" title=\"Add My Shortcode\">Add My Shortcode</a>");
//Generate inline content for the popup window when the "my shortcode" button is clicked
function my_shortcode_media_button_popup(){?>
<div id="my_shortcode_popup" style="display:none;">
<--".wrap" class div is needed to make thickbox content look good-->
<div class="wrap">
<h2>Insert My Shortcode</h2>
<div class="my_shortcode_add">
<input type="text" id="id_of_textbox_user_typed_in"><button class="button-primary" id="id_of_button_clicked">Add Shortcode</button>
//javascript code needed to make shortcode appear in TinyMCE edtor
function my_shortcode_add_shortcode_to_editor(){?>
jQuery('#id_of_button_clicked ').on('click',function(){
var user_content = jQuery('#id_of_textbox_user_typed_in').val();
var shortcode = '[my_shortcode attributes="'+user_content+'"/]';
if( !tinyMCE.activeEditor || tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden()) {
} else {
tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, shortcode);
//close the thickbox after adding shortcode to editor
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