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Created December 5, 2020 12:56
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local api = vim.api
local cmd = vim.cmd
local fn = vim.fn
local W = {}
local base_opt = {
relative = 'editor',
style = 'minimal'
cmd('hi def link FTerm Normal')
function create_borders(height, width)
local border_lines = { '┌' .. string.rep('─', width) .. '┐' }
local middle_line = '|' .. string.rep(' ', width) .. '|'
for i=1, height do
table.insert(border_lines, middle_line)
table.insert(border_lines, '└' .. string.rep('─', width) .. '┘')
return border_lines
function open_float()
vim.g.last_win = fn.nvim_get_current_win()
vim.g.last_buf = fn.nvim_get_current_buf()
vim.g.last_pos = fn.winsaveview()
-- get dimensions
local width = api.nvim_get_option("columns")
local height = api.nvim_get_option("lines")
-- calculate our floating window size
local win_width = math.ceil(width * 0.8)
local win_height = math.ceil(height * 0.8 - 4)
-- and its starting position
local col = math.ceil((width - win_width) / 2)
local row = math.ceil((height - win_height) / 2 - 1)
local opt = vim.tbl_extend('keep', base_opt, {
width = win_width,
height = win_height,
col = col,
row = row,
local padding_opt = vim.tbl_extend('keep', base_opt, {
width = win_width + 2,
height = win_height + 2,
col = col - 1,
row = row - 1,
local padding_buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
local borders = create_borders(win_height, win_width)
api.nvim_buf_set_lines(padding_buf, 0, -1, false, borders)
local padding_win = api.nvim_open_win(padding_buf, true, padding_opt)
fn.nvim_win_set_option(padding_win, 'winhl', 'Normal:FTerm')
local buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
local win = api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, opt)
fn.nvim_win_set_option(win, 'winhl', 'Normal:FTerm')
cmd("autocmd! TermClose <buffer> lua close_float()")
W = { win, padding_win }
function close_float()
if next(W) == nil then
do return end
for _, win in ipairs(W) do
if api.nvim_win_is_valid(win) then
api.nvim_win_close(win, {})
W = {}
function toggle_float()
if next(W) == nil then
do return end
if next(vim.g.last_pos) then
-- cmd("wincmd l")
-- fn.setpos('.', last_pos)
-- cmd("keepalt b"..last_buf)
-- fn.winrestview(vim.g.last_pos)
-- last_pos = nil
-- print(vim.inspect(vim.g.last_win))
-- cmd(string.format('exe %d . "wincmd c"', vim.g.last_win))
-- print(vim.inspect(W))
cmd [[ command! WinOpen lua open_float() ]]
cmd [[ command! WinToggle lua toggle_float() ]]
cmd [[ command! WinClose lua close_float() ]]
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