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Last active April 3, 2019 09:34
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Bitcoin Core vs Wasabi Wallet - Network Level Privacy
Adversary Core Core + Tor Wasabi 1.1.3 Wasabi 1.1.4 Wasabi 1.1.4 + Full Node
One Peer Is Malicious Spy private private private private private
All Peers Are Malicious Spies vulnerable[1] private vulnerable[2] private private
Tor Breaker private private private private private
All Peers Are Malicious Spies && Tor Breaker vulnerable[1] vulnerable[1] vulnerable[2] vulnerable[1,2] vulnerable[1]
Malicious Wasabi Backend private private private private private
Malicious Wasabi Backend && Tor Breaker private private vulnerable[1] private private
Supernode vulnerable[1] private private private private
Spying ISP vulnerable[1] private vulnerable[2] private private

[1] IP address linking to transaction.
[2] If it's kept up for extended periods of time, the spy can figure out which blocks the user is interested in.

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