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Last active December 1, 2024 16:38
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Add Cloudflare Custom Domain to Vercel

Add Cloudflare custom domain to Vercel

  1. Sign up and sign in to Cloudflare

  2. In your Cloudflare dashboard, select the Domain Registration > Register Domains tab.

  3. Search for your favorite domain and purchase it. In my case, I purchased the domain for my portfolio.

  4. Sign in to Vercel and go to your dashboard, where you can see all your projects in the Overview tab.

  5. Click on a project and on the top right, select Domains.

  6. Type your domain in the text box, e.g.,, and click Add.

  7. Select the recommended option: Add and redirect to it.

  8. Vercel will show an invalid configuration under your domains and display the relevant A record IP under and a CNAME IP under These need to be set up on Cloudflare to make it work.

  9. Go to the Cloudflare dashboard and select Domain Registration > Manage Domains tab.

  10. Your domain will be listed in a table. Select Manage.

  11. Look for Update DNS configuration under the quick actions.

  12. Add an A record (turn off proxy):

    Type Name(required) IPv4 address(required) Proxy status
    A @ 89.28.116 off
  13. Add a CNAME record (turn off proxy):

    Type Name(required) IPv4 address(required) Proxy status
    CNAME www off
  14. You're done! Visit your domain, and you should now see your project live and accessible.

Releated Documentation Links

Using Cloudflare as your DNS provider

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Thanks, what do i do if i'm getting a "too many redirects" when i try accessing my domain after I followed the instructions?

Faced this issue,
FIxed it by updating SSL/TLS in cloudflare from flexible to FULL or higher,stuck%20in%20a%20redirect%20loop.&text=This%20error%20is%20commonly%20caused,your%20SSL%2FTLS%20Encryption%20mode

credit :

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