#!/bin/sh |
echo "========== Cleanup start ==========" |
# define paths |
archivesPath="/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives" |
derivedDataPath="/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData" |
oldDeviceInfoPath="/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport" |
simulatorApplicationRootPath="/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/" |
USER_HOME=$(eval echo ~${SUDO_USER}) |
paths=( "$archivesPath" "$derivedDataPath" "$oldDeviceInfoPath" ) |
msgs=( "Archives" "DerivedData" "Old device information" ) |
pathsLength=${#paths[@]} |
# Clean up developer folder |
# loop through predefined paths |
for (( i=0; i<${pathsLength}; i++ )); |
do |
CMD="sudo rm -rf "$USER_HOME${paths[$i]}"/*" |
$CMD |
echo ${msgs[$i]}" cleared" |
done |
# Clean up iOS Simulator |
ignoreFolders=("Applications" "Containers" "Library" "Root" "User" "tmpspace") |
versionMarker="." |
rootPathIdx=$((${#USER_HOME} + ${#simulatorApplicationRootPath})) |
for folderPath in "$USER_HOME$simulatorApplicationRootPath"* |
do |
length=${#folderPath} |
folderName=${folderPath:$rootPathIdx:$((length - rootPathIdx))} |
# Find folder in ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/ with "." (assuming it is simulator version) and not in ignored list |
if [[ "${ignoreFolders[*]}" != *$folderName* && $folderName == *$versionMarker* ]]; then |
# Check if Applications folder exists |
if [ -d "$folderPath/Applications" ]; then |
echo 'iOS Simulator version '$folderName' with applications installed, now cleared' |
tmpFolderPath="${folderPath// /*}" |
CMD="sudo rm -rf "$tmpFolderPath"/Applications" |
$CMD |
fi |
# Check if tmp folder exists |
if [ -d "$folderPath/tmp" ]; then |
# Check tmp files in folder with special prefixs (say ghostlyIcons.xqwj3qwb2) |
tmpFolderPath="${folderPath// /*}" |
hasTmpFiles=false |
for ext in "ghostlyIcons" "gridImages" "iconImages" "iconLabels_gray" |
do |
fileCheckPath="$tmpFolderPath/tmp/$ext.*" |
if (ls $fileCheckPath > /dev/null 2>&1) |
then |
CMD="sudo rm -rf "$tmpFolderPath"/tmp/$ext.*" |
$CMD |
hasTmpFiles=true |
fi |
done |
if ($hasTmpFiles); then |
echo 'iOS Simulator version '$folderName' tmp files cleared' |
fi |
fi |
fi |
done |
echo "========== Cleanup ended ==========" |
echo "Suggest you to restart your xcode" |
echo "========== Have a nice day ==========" |