If you're developing an application based on React it can be helpful if you don't need to develop all the basic UI components yourself. Here you can find a list with various components, component libraries and complete design systems developed with and for React.
As the list got longer and longer I thought it would be better to have a "real" site for it.
@nilshartmann here are some additional ones. With descriptions taken from their github page.
Component libraries and Design Systems:
NativeBase - Mobile-first, accessible components for React Native & Web to build consistent UI across Android, iOS and Web.
MagnusUI - A Utility-First React Native UI Framework 🚀🧩
Dripsy - 🍷 Responsive, unstyled UI primitives for React Native + Web.
Tamagui.dev - Universal UI kit and style system for React Native + Web - with an optimizing compiler 🚄
Comparison: Magnus UI vs. Dripsy - Chakra UI alternatives for React Native
Tamagui is my favorite among those, since it is the only one that fully solves How to combine React Native Web + responsivity + NextJS SSR, to get SEO.