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Created August 11, 2020 09:28
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port of Daniel Piker's transform to GLSL port of
original code
need to declare the following:
uniform vec3 origin;
uniform float p;
uniform float q;
uniform float t;
vec3 pos = position - origin;
float xa = pos.x;
float ya = pos.y;
float za = pos.z;
//reverse stereographic projection to hypersphere
float pLength = (1. + xa * xa + ya * ya + za * za);
float xb = 2. * xa / pLength;
float yb = 2. * ya / pLength;
float zb = 2. * za / pLength;
float wb = (-1. + xa * xa + ya * ya + za * za) / pLength;
//rotate hypersphere by amount t
float xc = xb * cos(p * t) + yb * sin(p * t);
float yc = -xb * sin(p * t) + yb * cos(p * t);
float zc = zb * cos(q * t) - wb * sin(q * t);
float wc = zb * sin(q * t) + wb * cos(q * t);
//project stereographically back to flat 3D
float xd = xc / (1. - wc);
float yd = yc / (1. - wc);
float zd = zc / (1. - wc);
//the transformed point
vec3 transformed = vec3(xd, yd, zd);
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