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Last active January 16, 2023 09:56
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Save nicoptere/2f2571db4b454bb18cd9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
methods to convert longitude / latitude to XYZ and back + utility polygon contains point for THREE.js
* converts a XYZ vector3 to longitude latitude (Direct Polar)
* @param lng longitude
* @param lat latitude
* @param vector3 optional output vector3
* @returns a unit vector of the 3d position
function lonLatToVector3( lng, lat, out )
out = out || new THREE.Vector3();
//flips the Y axis
lat = Math.PI / 2 - lat;
//distribute to sphere
Math.sin( lat ) * Math.sin( lng ),
Math.cos( lat ),
Math.sin( lat ) * Math.cos( lng )
return out;
* converts a XYZ THREE.Vector3 to longitude latitude. beware, the vector3 will be normalized!
* @param vector3
* @returns an array containing the longitude [0] & the lattitude [1] of the Vector3
function vector3toLonLat( vector3 )
//longitude = angle of the vector around the Y axis
//-( ) : negate to flip the longitude (3d space specific )
//- PI / 2 to face the Z axis
var lng = -( Math.atan2( -vector3.z, -vector3.x ) ) - Math.PI / 2;
//to bind between -PI / PI
if( lng < - Math.PI )lng += Math.PI * 2;
//latitude : angle between the vector & the vector projected on the XZ plane on a unit sphere
//project on the XZ plane
var p = new THREE.Vector3( vector3.x, 0, vector3.z );
//project on the unit sphere
//commpute the angle ( both vectors are normalized, no division by the sum of lengths )
var lat = Math.acos( vector3 ) );
//invert if Y is negative to ensure teh latitude is comprised between -PI/2 & PI / 2
if( vector3.y < 0 ) lat *= -1;
return [ lng,lat ];
* determines if a polyline contains a point
* @param polygon a series of X,Y coordinates pairs
* @param x point.x
* @param y point.y
* @returns true if the path contains the point, false otherwise
function polygonContains( polygon, x, y )
var j = 0;
var oddNodes = false;
for( var i = 0; i < polygon.length; i+=2 )
j = ( j + 2 ) % polygon.length;
var ix = polygon[ i ];
var iy = polygon[ i+1 ];
var jx = polygon[ j ];
var jy = polygon[ j+1 ];
if ( ( iy < y && jy >= y ) || ( jy < y && iy >= y ) )
if ( ix + ( y - iy ) / ( jx - ix ) * ( jx - ix ) < x )
oddNodes = !oddNodes
return oddNodes;
* locateCamera: orients a camera to look at another object & preserve the camera's UP axis
* @param target object to lookAt
* @param camera object (camera) to position
* @param camera_angle extra angle on the latitude
* @param camera_distance distance between the target and the camera
function locateCamera( target, camera, camera_angle, camera_distance )
var UP = new THREE.Vector3( 0,1,0 );
var NORMAL = target.clone().normalize();
var angle = Math.acos( NORMAL ) );
angle += camera_angle || 0;
if( angle > Math.PI ) UP.y *= -1;
if( angle < 0 ) angle += Math.PI;
var AX = UP.crossVectors( UP, NORMAL );
var tmp = new THREE.Vector3( 0,1,0 );
tmp.applyAxisAngle( AX, angle );
tmp.multiplyScalar( camera_distance ).add( target );
camera.position.copy( tmp );
camera.lookAt( target );
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In vector3toLonLat after
if( lng < - Math.PI )lng += Math.PI * 2;
I needed to add
if( lng > Math.PI )lng -= Math.PI * 2;
I have a slightly different 3D space though
had to change also
var lng = -( Math.atan2( -vector3.z, -vector3.x ) ) - Math.PI / 2;
var lng = - Math.atan2( -vector3.z, -vector3.x ) - Math.PI;

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