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Created May 8, 2023 15:42
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Gist for automatically adding a link to today's daily note to an Dataview inline field in an Obsidian note. For use with the QuickAdd Obsidian plugin.
module.exports = async function updateDate(params) {
This function does the following things:
1. Gets the current date.
2. Reads the contents of the current file.
3. When a line that contains `date::` is found, adds the current date as a note to the end of the line.
let currDate = moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD');
const currentFile =;
const fileContents = await;
let fileContentsArray = fileContents.split('\n');
let newFileContentsArray = [];
for (let line = 0; line < fileContentsArray.length-1; line++) {
let lineContents = fileContentsArray[line];
if (lineContents.includes('date::')) {
newFileContentsArray += lineContents + ', [[' + currDate + ']]\n';
else {
newFileContentsArray += lineContents + '\n';
await, newFileContentsArray);
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