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Created November 9, 2019 13:54
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inject js to examine detection strategies
const fingerprintingDetection = (function () {
const detectFingerprinting = function () {
function getCallerFile() {
let originalFunc = Error.prepareStackTrace;
let callerfile;
try {
const err = new Error();
let currentfile;
Error.prepareStackTrace = function (err, stack) {
return stack;
currentfile = err.stack.shift().getFileName();
while (err.stack.length) {
callerfile = err.stack.shift().getFileName();
if (currentfile !== callerfile) break;
} catch (e) {}
Error.prepareStackTrace = originalFunc;
return callerfile;
function overrideFunction(item) {
item.obj[item.propName] = (function (orig) {
return function () {
let args = arguments;
const callerFile = getCallerFile();
let value;
if (typeof window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile] === 'undefined') {
window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile] = [];
} else {
value = orig.apply(this, args);
let valueToStore = value;
if (value instanceof Array) {
valueToStore = JSON.stringify(value);
else if (typeof value === 'object') {
valueToStore = JSON.stringify(value);
window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile][window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile].length] = {
name: item.propName,
args: Array.from(args).map(arg => arg.toString()).join(','),
value: valueToStore
return value;
const attributesToMonitor = {
navigator: [
screen: [
window: [
function saveAccessGetter(prop, subProp) {
let value;
const callerFile = getCallerFile();
if (window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile] === undefined) {
window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile] = [];
} else {
value = originalValues[subProp];
let valueToStore = value;
if (typeof value === 'object') {
valueToStore = JSON.stringify(value);
window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile][window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting[callerFile].length] = {
name: `${prop}.${subProp}`,
value: valueToStore
return value;
window.navigator.monitorFingerprinting = {};
const originalValues = {};
for (let prop of Object.keys(attributesToMonitor)) {
for (let subProp of attributesToMonitor[prop]) {
if(prop !== 'window') {
originalValues[subProp] = window[prop][subProp];
window[prop].__defineGetter__(subProp, () => {
return saveAccessGetter(prop, subProp);
} else {
originalValues[subProp] = window[subProp];
window.__defineGetter__(subProp, () => {
return saveAccessGetter(prop, subProp);
const audioContextMethods = ['createAnalyser', 'createOscillator', 'createGain',
'createScriptProcessor', 'createDynamicsCompressor'];
audioContextMethods.forEach((method) => {
propName: method,
obj: window.AudioContext.prototype
const offlineAudioContextMethods = ['createAnalyser', 'createOscillator', 'createGain',
'createScriptProcessor', 'createDynamicsCompressor'];
offlineAudioContextMethods.forEach((method) => {
propName: method,
obj: window.OfflineAudioContext.prototype
const analyserMethods = ['getFloatFrequencyData', 'getByteFrequencyData',
'getFloatTimeDomainData', 'getByteTimeDomainData'];
analyserMethods.forEach((method) => {
propName: method,
obj: window.AnalyserNode.prototype
const webGLMethods = ['getParameter', 'getSupportedExtensions', 'getContextAttributes',
'getShaderPrecisionFormat', 'getExtension', 'readPixels', 'getUniformLocation',
'getAttribLocation', 'clearColor', 'enable', 'depthFunc', 'clear', 'createBuffer', 'bindBuffer', 'bufferData',
'createProgram', 'createShader', 'shaderSource', 'compileShader', 'attachShader', 'linkProgram', 'useProgram', 'drawArrays'];
webGLMethods.forEach((method) => {
propName: method,
obj: window.WebGLRenderingContext.prototype
const canvasEltMethods = ['toDataURL', 'toBlob'];
canvasEltMethods.forEach((method) => {
propName: method,
obj: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype
const canvasMethods = ['getImageData', 'getLineDash', 'measureText', 'isPointInPath', 'fillText',
'fillRect', 'beginPath', 'beginPath', 'arc', 'closePath', 'fill'];
canvasMethods.forEach((method) => {
propName: method,
obj: CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype
const webrtcMethods = ['createOffer', 'createAnswer', 'setLocalDescription', 'setRemoteDescription'];
webrtcMethods.forEach((method) => {
propName: method,
obj: webkitRTCPeerConnection.prototype
const otherFunctionsToOverride = [
propName: 'getTimezoneOffset',
obj: Date.prototype
propName: 'getComputedTextLength',
obj: SVGTextContentElement.prototype
propName: 'createElement',
obj: document
propName: 'getElementById',
obj: document
propName: 'getElementsByClassName',
obj: document
propName: 'getElementsByName',
obj: document
propName: 'getElementsByTagName',
obj: document
propName: 'insertBefore',
obj: document
propName: 'appendChild',
obj: document
propName: 'getAttribute',
obj: document
propName: 'elementFromPoint',
obj: document
propName: 'getVoices',
obj: speechSynthesis
propName: 'setItem',
obj: localStorage
propName: 'getItem',
obj: localStorage
propName: 'removeItem',
obj: localStorage
propName: 'setItem',
obj: sessionStorage
propName: 'getItem',
obj: sessionStorage
propName: 'removeItem',
obj: sessionStorage
propName: 'getComputedStyle',
obj: window
propName: 'send',
obj: XMLHttpRequest.prototype
propName: 'canPlayType',
obj: HTMLVideoElement.prototype
propName: 'canPlayType',
obj: HTMLAudioElement.prototype
return detectFingerprinting;
module.exports = {
detectFingerprinting: fingerprintingDetection,
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This is amazing and very thorough! It inspired me to write a detection script. How long have you been researching fingerprinting?

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