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Created April 14, 2015 00:49
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Austin Clojure Meetup Refactor Fun
(ns dataprep.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as s]
[ :as csv]
[semantic-csv.core :as sc]
[clj-http.lite.client :as http]))
(defn split-point [address]
"Takes the :Address value from a record and splits it up. Returns a map
containing the address and two new latitude and longitude fields."
(let [a (s/split address #"\n\(")
b (->> (s/split (last a) #",\s")
(assoc a 1)
{:address (first b)
:latitude (second b)
:longitude (last b)}))
(defn clean-latlon [angle]
"The purpose of this function is to verify that lat long is clean."
(s/replace angle #"[^0-9\.\-]" ""))
(defn rebuild-records [record]
(let [new-fields (split-point (:Address record))]
:facility_id ((keyword "Facility ID") record)
:name ((keyword "Restaurant Name") record)
:zip ((keyword "Zip Code") record)
:address (:address new-fields)
:latitude (-> new-fields :latitude clean-latlon)
:longitude (-> new-fields :longitude clean-latlon))
:date ((keyword "Inspection Date") record)
:score (:Score record)
:facility_id ((keyword "Facility ID") record)
:description ((keyword "Process Description") record))}))
(defn write-pieces [r-out i-out data]
(let [r (sc/vectorize (map :restaurant data))
i (sc/vectorize (map :inspection data))]
(csv/write-csv r-out r)
(csv/write-csv i-out i)
(defn split-csv [in out1 out2]
(with-open [in-file (io/reader in)
r-out (io/writer out1)
i-out (io/writer out2)]
(csv/read-csv in-file)
(fn [row]
(rebuild-records row)))
(write-pieces r-out i-out))))
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