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jfsiii / .block
Last active July 20, 2016 01:49
SVG colored patterns via masks/CSS without images
license: unlicense
vlado /
Created November 5, 2013 08:40
How to extend Chosen jQuery library example
# 1. Extend Chosen with custom method or owerwrite existing methods
class CustomChosen extends Chosen
show_search_field_default: ->
# ...
# original method updated
# ...
some_new_method: ->
# ...
mitio / deploy.rb
Created August 23, 2013 15:38
Sidekiq + Capistrano + Ubuntu Upstart
# config/deploy.rb
namespace :upstart do
desc 'Generate and upload Upstard configs for daemons needed by the app'
task :update_configs, except: {no_release: true} do
upstart_config_files = File.expand_path('../upstart/*.conf.erb', __FILE__)
upstart_root = '/etc/init'
Dir[upstart_config_files].each do |upstart_config_file|
config =
tommarshall / simple_form.rb
Created August 22, 2013 14:58 — forked from clyfe/simple_form.rb
Bootstrap3 compatible simple_form initializer (with consistent Bootstrap 3 classes)
inputs = %w[
dyerc / sidekiq
Last active January 9, 2025 12:23
Sidekiq init script
# sidekiq Init script for Sidekiq
# chkconfig: 345 100 75
# Description: Starts and Stops Sidekiq message processor for Stratus application.
# User-specified exit parameters used in this script:
# Exit Code 5 - Incorrect User ID
# Exit Code 6 - Directory not found
ankane /
Last active December 14, 2015 03:39 — forked from panthomakos/benchmark.rb

Benchmark Bundler

Because loading gems can take longer than you think

Now available as a gem - get it here

choonkeat / render.rb
Created January 17, 2012 06:39
Rendering SASS programatically in Rails 3 (with compass)
Rails.application.config.compass.line_comments = false
sass_compiler =, Compass.configuration.sass_path, Compass.configuration.css_path, sass: Compass.sass_engine_options)
engine = sass_compiler.engine(sass_filepath, File.join(Compass.configuration.css_path, "dummy.css"))
css_string = engine.render
cainlevy / with_retries.rb
Created October 28, 2011 21:19
with_retries{} helper to easily catch and retry exceptions in Ruby
module Retriable
# This will catch any exception and retry twice (three tries total):
# with_retries { ... }
# This will catch any exception and retry four times (five tries total):
# with_retries(:limit => 5) { ... }
# This will catch a specific exception and retry once (two tries total):
# with_retries(Some::Error, :limit => 2) { ... }
bigsur0 / parallel_find_in_batches_start_end
Created September 23, 2011 16:53
Parallel gem and find_in_batches with start, end
num_processes = 2
batch_size = 1000
threads_per_process = 10, :in_processes => num_processes) do |i|·
User.find_in_batches(:batch_size => batch_size,·
:start => (User.count/num_processes) * i,·
:conditions => ["id <= ?", (User.count/num_processes)*(i+1)]) do |batch|·, :in_threads => threads_per_process) do |record|