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Created November 18, 2010 13:04
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A file to compute and plot LR and SVM margins
fcount <- 20
tcount <- 1
alpha <- 3
xf <- rnorm(fcount,mean=-1, sd=0.7)
xt <- rnorm(tcount,mean=1, sd=0.7)
yf <- mat.or.vec(fcount,1)
yt <- mat.or.vec(tcount,1)
plot(xf, yf, col="red", main=paste(fcount,"False,",tcount,"True Samples"), xlab="x value", xlim=c(-2,2), pch=19, yaxt='n', asp=0.1)
points(xt, yt, col="green", pch=19)
# draw the SVM margin
svmmarg <- (min(xt)+max(xf))/2
# solve the LR problem using the newton method
yt <- yt-1
yf <- yf+1
xs <- c(xt, xf)
ys <- c(yt, yf)
count <- tcount+fcount
lrmarg <- svmmarg
lastlik <- 0;
lastfirst <- 0;
for(iter in 0:10) {
lik <- 0; first <- 0; second <- 0
for(i in 1:count) {
val <- ys[i]*(xs[i]-lrmarg)*alpha
lik <- lik - log(1+exp(val))
first <- first+ys[i]*exp(val)/(1+exp(val))
second <- second - exp(val)/((1+exp(val))^2)*alpha
lrmarg <- lrmarg - first/second
lastlik <- lik;
lastfirst <- first;
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