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Created April 1, 2013 01:07
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This is a program to answer the question of whether a boolean satisfiability problem in conjunctive normal form with 3 variables per clause (3SAT) is true or false in linear time.
# ***************************
# *
# * by Graham Neubig
# * 4/1/2013
# ***************************
# This is a Python program to provide an answer for satisfiability problems
# in conjunctive normal form with 3 variables per clause (3SAT) in LINEAR time.
# Given a particular expression such as the following:
# (a or b or c) and (a or !b or !c)
# The input to the program is one clause per line with the ! indicating false:
# a b c
# a !b !c
# Given an input in this format, this program will provide an answer indicating
# whether the satisfiability problem is solvable or not.
# First, read in the input
import sys
clauses = []
# Read in every line of the file
for line in sys.stdin:
line = line.strip()
# Split it into three clauses
(a, b, c) = line.split(' ')
# Add the clause to the end of the list
clauses.append( (a, b, c) )
# Provide an answer
print "Maybe!"
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