This Gist shows how to set up a Rails project to practice BDD with CoffeeScript, Guard and Jasmine. You can see this setup in action on Vimeo
- Install Gems with Bundler with
bundle install
- Define your guards with
mate Guardfile
- Initialize Jasmine with
bundle exec jasmine init
- Configure Jasmine with
mate spec/support/yasmine.ym
- Start Guard with
bundle exec guard
- Start Jasmine with
bundle exec rake jasmine
- Open your browser with
open http://localhost:8888
- Press the LiveReload button
- Write your specs (example goes to app/coffeescripts/
- See the Growl notifications
- Write your code (example goes to app/coffeescripts/
- Watch the Jasmine report
That's it
I setup a repo that might be a good example of a starting point if you aren't using rails