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Brent Salisbury nerdalert

🦀 🐿
View GitHub Profile
#!/usr/bin/env python3
Example script that:
1. Converts a document to a DocLing Document.
2. Chunks it using a HybridChunker.
3. Embeds each chunk using a SentenceTransformer.
4. Stores them in a LanceDB index.
5. Searches for a user-provided query and returns the best matching chunk or all matching chunks based on a flag.
curl -X POST "${DS_HOST}/api/orchestrator/api/v1/query/run"      -H "X-Authorization: Bearer ${DS_TOKEN}"      -H "Content-Type: application/json"      -d '{
           "query": {
             "variables": {},
             "template": {
               "version": "1",
               "tasks": [
                   "id": "QA",
                   "kind": "SemanticRag",
"created_by": "amaa1981, fatehks, webdba, youeyoue",
"document": {
"commit": "706f365a256950f408707e2f03fe76e380c734c6",
"patterns": [
"repo": ""
"domain": "geography",

Here are the steps to open a PR (Pull Request) to a GitHub repository, including how to commit messages with vi and DCO (Developer Certificate of Origin) signoff.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Fork the Repository:
    • Go to the GitHub repository you want to contribute to.
    • Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page.
    • This creates a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.

curl -X 'POST' \
--cacert server-ca-crt.pem2 \
--cert client-tls-crt.pem2 \
--key client-tls-key.pem2 \
'' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{

# Final Working with fwmark set on the interface Configuration

sudo wg set wg0 peer $REMOTE_KEY allowed-ips persistent-keepalive 25  endpoint

# This command enables the src_valid_mark functionality for all network interfaces. This is required for routing marked packets properly with WireGuard.
sudo sysctl -q net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1
# This command adds a rule to the routing policy database (RPDB) that says, "If a packet does not have the firewall mark 51820, look up the routing table 51820."
command: nexd --stun --username qaa9a7badf-df1b-11ed-9534-0022480a240b --password x6!GHS6g3TUyHH relay
2023-04-20T02:12:13.738Z	INFO	nexd/main.go:128	Debug logging enabled
2023-04-20T02:12:13.738Z	INFO	nexd/main.go:68	Starting relay agent with wireguard driver
2023-04-20T02:12:13.742Z	DEBUG	nexodus/stun_linux.go:73	send to (0 bytes)
2023-04-20T02:12:13.911Z	DEBUG	nexodus/stun_linux.go:170	response from (40 bytes)
2023-04-20T02:12:13.911Z	DEBUG	nexodus/stun_linux.go:66	reflexive binding is:
2023-04-20T02:12:13.916Z	DEBUG	nexodus/stun_linux.go:73	send to (0 bytes)
2023-04-20T02:12:14.031Z	DEBUG	nexodus/stun_linux.go:170	response from (40 bytes)
2023-04-20T02:12:14.031Z	DEBUG	nexodus/stun_linux.go:66	reflexive binding is:

EC2 Security Groups and Rules

  • DescribeSecurityGroups: This endpoint allows you to retrieve information about one or more security groups, such as their IDs, names, descriptions, and associated VPCs.

  • CreateSecurityGroup: This endpoint allows you to create a new security group in a specified VPC. You can specify the name, description, and VPC ID for the new security group.

  • AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress: This endpoint allows you to add inbound rules to a security group. You can specify the security group ID, IP protocol, port range, and the source of the traffic (e.g., an IP range, another security group, or a prefix list).

  • AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress: This endpoint allows you to add outbound rules to a security group. You can specify the security group ID, IP protocol, port range, and the destination of the traffic (e.g., an IP range, another security group, or a prefix list).

  • RevokeSecurityGroupIngress: This endpoint allows you to remove inbound rules from a security group. You can specify th

package main
import (

Disco Node Logs

2023-03-24T03:26:25.664Z	DEBUG	nexodus/wg-peers.go:186	Local Node Configuration - Wireguard IP [ ]
2023-03-24T03:26:25.665Z	INFO	nexodus/wg-deploy.go:48	Peer setup complete
2023-03-24T03:26:50.656Z	DEBUG	nexodus/nexodus.go:349	Reconciling peers from relay state
2023-03-24T03:26:50.656Z	DEBUG	nexodus/nexodus.go:470	Reconciling peers from relay state
2023-03-24T03:27:20.656Z	DEBUG	nexodus/nexodus.go:349	Reconciling peers from relay state
2023-03-24T03:27:20.656Z	DEBUG	nexodus/nexodus.go:470	Reconciling peers from relay state
2023-03-24T03:27:50.660Z	DEBUG	nexodus/nexodus.go:349	Reconciling peers from relay state