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Created December 4, 2017 18:47
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my brew list


❯ brew list
ack			git			libtasn1		protobuf
ammonite-repl		git-extras		libtiff			pstree
ant			git-flow-avh		libtool			pv
apr			glib			libunistring		pwgen
apr-util		glide			libyaml			py2cairo
asio			glog			lldpd			pyenv
atk			gmp			llvm			pygobject
augeas			gnu-getopt		logrotate		pygobject3
autoconf		gnutls			lua			pygtk
automake		go			luajit			python
aws-shell		gobject-introspection	lz4			python3
bash			googler			lzlib			quvi
bazel			govendor		markdown		ranger
berkeley-db@4		gperftools		mas			rapidjson
bison			gradle			maven			readline
boost			graphite2		mercurial		redis
c-ares			graphviz		mesos			ripgrep
cabal-install		groovysdk		micro			rocksdb
caddy			gsasl			minio			rtmpdump
cairo			gtk+			mitmproxy		ruby
cassandra		harfbuzz		mongodb			rust
chrome-cli		hicolor-icon-theme	mpfr			saltstack
chromedriver		highlight		mysql			sbt
cmake			htmldoc			ncdu			scala
cockroach		htop			nettle			scons
consul			hugo			nghttp2			secrets
consul-backinator	icu4c			nmap			shared-mime-info
consul-template		ipcalc			node			sleuthkit
cowsay			iperf			oniguruma		snappy
curl			jansson			openldap		spdylay
cython			jemalloc		openresty		sphinx-doc
dialog			jenkins			openresty-openssl	sqlite
dnsmasq			jpeg			openssl			stormssh
dotty			jq			[email protected]		subversion
doxygen			jsoncpp			osquery			sysdig
dvm			kafka			ossp-uuid		terraform
elm			kobalt			p11-kit			texi2html
etcd			kotlin			packer			tree
exa			kubernetes-cli		pandoc			vim
fasd			ldns			pango			voldemort
fish			libarchive		passenger		watchman
fontconfig		libev			pcre			webp
fpp			libevent		pcre2			wget
freetype		libffi			peco			wrk
fzf			libgcrypt		percona-toolkit		xdot
gawk			libgit2			percona-xtrabackup	xhyve
gd			libgpg-error		perl			xz
gdbm			libidn			pet			yara
gdk-pixbuf		libmagic		pidof			z
geoip			libmetalink		pixman			zeromq
gettext			libpng			pkg-config		zookeeper
gflags			libquvi			popt			zstd
ghc			librdkafka		postgresql
[email protected]			libssh2			proctools
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