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Created March 3, 2019 16:19
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Container for CreateAudioContext: returns an audioContext, audioSources (e.g. media elements), and an analyser node that all sources are connected to.
import createAudioContext from 'ios-safe-audio-context';
export async function createAudioContextContainer() {
// createAudioContext (this could be some other implementation/polyfill,
// so long as it returns an audioContext):
const audioContext = createAudioContext();
const audioSources = [];
const analyserNode = audioContext.createAnalyser();
analyserNode.fftSize = Math.pow(2, 11);
// find all `<audio>` elements on the page:
for (const source of document.querySelectorAll('audio')) {
// create a source of type audioNode for each found `<audio>` element[^1][^2]:
const audioNode = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(source);
// connect each audioNode to the context's output:
// and also send each audioNode's data to our analyser:
mediaElement: source,
// give the context, a list of interactive <audio> elements,
// and our data emitter to the caller:
return { audioContext, audioSources, analyserNode };
// [^1]: MDN's WebAudio API Documentation:
// [^2]: AudioNode Specification:
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