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Last active July 20, 2022 03:56
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Final Fantasy X auto-lightning dodger modified for wayland desktop. Only tested on wayland desktop but should work on all platform.
# Modified from :
# to use pyscreenshot and pyninput to make it work on linux wayland desktop
# Install python dependencies - Pillow pynput pyscreenshot
# Dependency for wayland desktop - grim (screen grab tool)
import time
import pyscreenshot as screen
from PIL import Image, ImageStat
from pynput.keyboard import Controller
kb = Controller()
def check_if_whited_out():
# Adjust screen grab backend and screen location here
# Can remove backend parameter to use the default.
# Adjust the bbox params to correctly point to game screen. Use to see if the location is correct.
# Screen grab fps speed depends on backend used. Most should be fast enough to detect lightning on game screen.
img = screen.grab(backend="grim",bbox=(1400,100,1500,200))
extrema = ImageStat.Stat(img).extrema
return all(e[0] > COLOR_MINIMUM_THRESHOLD for e in extrema)
def lightning_dodger():
dodge_count = 0
last_is_whited_out = False
while True:
is_whited_out = check_if_whited_out()
if is_whited_out and not last_is_whited_out:
# Using keyboard 'c' key for dodge button. Change here if you're using other key.'c')
dodge_count += 1
print(f"{dodge_count}x you're welcome")
last_is_whited_out = is_whited_out
# Run this to see if the screen grab is correctly pointing to game screen
# Run - python ./
# then check the generated 'screen.png' image
import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab
from PIL import Image, ImageStat
im = ImageGrab.grab(backend="grim",bbox=(1400,100,1500,200))
# print(ImageStat.Stat(im).extrema)'screen.png')
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